We hear it all the time,

We hear it all the time, "Just eat fermented foods." But maybe that's not best. - gut health, prebiotics, bloating, gas

"Just eat fermented foods" I hear this a lot in post comments. And while fermented foods are amazing for gut health as prebiotics, they too can come with some side effects to consider. The side effects also may mean that things are being improved. The most common side effect is bloating and gas. After that in frequency comes headaches and migraines (usually from histamine and tyramine). And then histamine intolerances. This comes with a runny nose, itching, eye redness, fatigue, etc. If fermented foods cause you digestive issues then consider eating less of them and gradually working your way into...

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Blocking acid, is it really a good option? - gut health, reflux, heartburn, acid blockers

Blocking acid, is it really a good option? - gut health, reflux, heartburn, acid blockers

"What would my doctor suggest?"🚫Food avoidance🚫Diet restrictions🚫Stop the acidLet's think about blocking acid. 👍🏼Acid is needed for digestion👍🏼Acid is needed for absorbing nutrients (anyone have low vitamin B?)👍🏼Acid is needed for killing pathogens that come into the body. The question is, "What if too much stomach acid isn't the problem and you are taking acid blockers every day?" Blocking acid is super fast and effective. That is an option and it is the option your doctor will likely turn to. OR you can take something that doesn't block stomach acid production but does:✅ soothe intestinal issues✅ supports a healthy esophageal...

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"Chronic constipation associated with cognitive decline" - gut health, constipation, laxatives

If you were "fine" before with constant constipation, maybe this will make you think differently. There is a relationship between bowel movements, the gut microbiome, and cognition. Meaning, if your motility is slow your microbiome is likely to have a lot more gut bacteria known to cause inflammation. And with more inflammation comes cognitive decline. Having watched my own grandparents deal with dementia and Alzheimer's, I am extremely motivated to not go through that myself. Everyone always asks us why we are always so focused on "motility, motility, motility." And our response is that it is key to "gut health,...

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Semaglutides: Mental Health Side Effects - gut health, weight loss, depression, anxiety

Semaglutides: Mental Health Side Effects - gut health, weight loss, depression, anxiety

The European Medicines Agency is looking into this right now because a lot of people are reporting an increase in mental health side effects.What about the FDA? They don't seem worried about it. Right now it is suggested that the benefits outweigh the risks. What does appear to be the case is that mental health concerns did not go into the studies prior to approval. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

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Slowing the flow of toxins to the liver, helps stop the problem before it starts - gut health, liver detox, liver disease

Slowing the flow of toxins to the liver, helps stop the problem before it starts - gut health, liver detox, liver disease

Bailing out the toxins may be important. But plugging the holes that are allowing the toxins into the liver in the first place is essential. Please do not allow the urgency of the concern to distract from the necessity of doing the process correctly. The best form of a liver detox stops the flow of toxins to the liver in the first place. Can natural ingredients like milk thistle protect the liver from toxins? Yes. Mount Sinai thinks so. How about...ginsenggreen tealicoriceartichoke leaf andturmeric? Yes, those are all good too. In fact, we load people up on herbs like licorice...

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What's causing your bloating & distension? - gut health, immunoglobulins, bloating, distension

What's causing your bloating & distension? - gut health, immunoglobulins, bloating, distension

Ladies, are you bloated and do you suffer from distension of the lower stomach? Maybe you have inflammation of the large intestine? So, what causes this?The "possible" cause of this (because the science is never 100% sure) is an immune system malfunction. Imbalances⬇️Leaky gut⬇️Inflammation⬇️Immune system malfunction"Although no direct cause-and-effect relationship has been confirmed, all clinical and experimental data suggest the importance of intestinal hyperpermeability in the inflammatory changes of various diseases. Increased intestinal permeability is a new target for disease prevention and therapy. Considering the close relationship of ‘the leaky gut’ and gut dysbiosis to the major diseases..."Increased Intestinal Permeability...

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Specific gut bacteria linked to depression in premenopause women - gut health, mental health, anxiety, depression

Specific gut bacteria linked to depression in premenopause women - gut health, mental health, anxiety, depression

If your gut is loaded up with klebsiella and morganella (specific bacteria) then you are more likely to have depression. Yes, eating less refined sugars and more plant foods is good for the gut. ✅ Exercise is good for the gut. ✅Fiber is good for the gut. ✅ But if you want to knock out the bacteria types that are linked to depression issues, you better clean up the gut more aggressively than what diet changes, exercise, sleep, fiber, and probiotics are going to offer. And your protocol better hit klebsiella and morganella. If you have questions, please send us...

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What happens to the gut microbiome after taking antibiotics? - gut health, probiotics, microbiome

What happens to the gut microbiome after taking antibiotics? - gut health, probiotics, microbiome

Yes, you can load up on antibiotics to address your gut issues. That is an option. Sure. Go for it. That's the go to solution. And sometimes you do need them. But if that is your go-to answer for problems with your gut or sinuses, there are possible negative consequences. And you better be prepared to manage those consequences if you do use antibiotics so that you don't completely wipe out your gut. “...taking antimicrobials is a gamble every single time you do it, even if it’s fully warranted.”Microbiologist & Pathologist Gautam DantasWashington University of Medicine in St. Louis (same...

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Probiotic strain B. Claussi benefits - gut health, probiotics

Probiotic strain B. Claussi benefits - gut health, probiotics

What should a probiotic offer? 1) Produce pathogen-inhibitory substances 2) Inhibit microbial toxins3) Stimulate immunoglobulin A4) Benefit intestinal mucosa (gut barrier) Given all of this, B. clausii is the perfect probiotic strain you are not likely getting from your standard probiotic. This is only because it isn't as heavily advertised and marketed as standard lactobacillus and bifidobacteria strains. Here are some additional benefits of B. clausii:1) Naturally survives digestion without requiring special coatings or capsules (heat, acid, and salt tolerant)2) Strengthens the gut barrier3) Broad spectrum antibiotic resistance that cannot be genetically transferred to other species4) Vitamin productionIf you are...

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Why gluten enzymes? - gut health, digestive enzymes, gluten intolerance

Why gluten enzymes? - gut health, digestive enzymes, gluten intolerance

Have you ever been somewhere and thought, "But what if there's gluten in it?" ⁠⁠Say hello to Gluten Comfort. ⁠⁠Gluten Comfort was formulated with one thing in mind: help people with gluten intolerances be able to have gluten again.*⁠⁠Notice I am not saying this fixes issues for people with Celiac or people with an autoimmune response to gluten. This is for people with an intolerance to gluten. ⁠⁠Here's the secret to using it, make sure that the amount of capsules you are taking matches the amount of gluten you are consuming. So, if you are eating a gluten-free dish and...

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Is your hair falling out? - gut health, hair loss

Is your hair falling out? - gut health, hair loss

Are you looking in the wrong spot to help with your hair issues? Issues that cause hair loss:✅Gut issues resulting in poor nutrient deficiency✅Gut issues causing Hashimoto's✅Gut issues causing non-Hashimoto's thyroid issues✅Gut issues causing immune system dysfunction✅MCAS/Histamine intolerances ✅Candida (fungal) overgrowth Our company focus on hair loss was due to our co-founder's Hashimoto's issues causing her to lose a lot of hair, thinning of hair, and skin issues. For her specific situation, her hair has grown back, and it longer and thicker than ever. Since that time, we have learned a lot about what to do for hair loss (this...

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Looking to detox your liver? The gut may be the best place to start - gut health, liver health, detox

Looking to detox your liver? The gut may be the best place to start - gut health, liver health, detox

The best thing for your liver may be improving your gut health. 🤯When you detox the gut you are detoxing the liver.When you are strengthening the gut barrier you are reducing the toxin load on the liver (toxins stay in the intestinal system and are dealt with there). When you are correcting immune dysfunction, you are helping the liver. When you are reducing intestinal inflammation you are helping the liver. Do you want to help your liver? Help your gut!If you have big gut health issues, take our QUIZ. If you feel like you don't have big gut health issues...

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You've taken antibiotics, now what? - gut health, probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins

You've taken antibiotics, now what? - gut health, probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins

So, you had to take an antibiotic for something? Now you want to build up your gut up again? Maybe you are worried that your gut is now imbalanced? Those are fair assumptions. Your doctor may have even advised you to "get on a good probiotic" or "help your gut recover." Antibiotics can reduce microbiome diversity, change metabolic activity, and even cause issues with C. diff or diarrhea. Antibiotics are also linked to leaky gut. And as most of you know, gut imbalances and leaky gut are ground zero for gut issues and many health problems. What do you do...

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Is autism linked to gut health? - microbiome, gut health, austism

Is autism linked to gut health? - microbiome, gut health, austism

Is autism linked to gut problems? Yes. Are all the details ironed out on how it all happens? No. Might one be able to guess? Yes. Gut imbalances caused by a wide range of causes trigger gut barrier dysfunction. Gut barrier dysfunction results in elevated inflammation throughout the body. The elevated inflammation then causes immune system dysfunction. Based on the most recent findings on autism, could one speculate that by improving gut health it may help with autism symptoms? I think that is a fair assumption. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

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Why worry about short-chain fatty acids? - gut health, probiotics, SCFA

Why worry about short-chain fatty acids? - gut health, probiotics, SCFA

Answer: Just as long as you want to be healthyQuestion: How long do I have to work on my gut health? In the last 3 years my mid section has shrunk (by multiple pant sizes), my cholesterol is finally good (more good and a lot less bad, which is amazing because my genetics heavily anchor me towards cholesterol issues), my pre-diabetic state is no more, and all my other health markers look really good. What did I do? I followed the advice of our science team. Step 1 - Work on digestion and clean up my gutStep 2 - Build...

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6 Reasons S. Boulardii is the perfect probiotic - gut health, probiotics

6 Reasons S. Boulardii is the perfect probiotic - gut health, probiotics

If you are trying to help:✅ the gut recover✅ address leaky gut✅ reduce inflammatory processes✅ and increase enzyme production✅ with cholesterol, H. pylori issues, C. diff problems, and/or candida imbalances some say look no further than S. boulardii. S. boulardii is a gut management probiotic, NOT a reseeding strain. The key to gut health is a wide variety of beneficial bacteria, not hundreds of trillions of a few select strains. S. boulardii helps with increasing other beneficial bacteria in the gut. It manages the gut. For long-term gut health, it is a key probiotic strain to have in your daily...

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Chronic stress isn't just mental, its physical too - gut health, stress, mental health, immune system

Chronic stress isn't just mental, its physical too - gut health, stress, mental health, immune system

Look no further than stress to be the cause of getting sick this coming fall. Some suggest that 75- 90% of human health issues are related to stress. Surprising, right? When you have chronic stress:✅ your immune system is not strong ✅ you have poor digestion (blood is focused on muscles, not digestion) ✅ you have inflammation✅ you lose your ability to recover from a cold/flu How important is addressing stress to your immune system and health? It is a major top priority. That's why Silver Fern™ Brand will be focused on stress with many of our future products. We...

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The how and why of immunoglobulins when it comes to cleaning up the gut - gut health, detox, immune support

The how and why of immunoglobulins when it comes to cleaning up the gut - gut health, detox, immune support

Do you need to clean up the gut? Do you need to strengthen the gut barrier? You may have worries about H. pylori, C. diff, E. coli, candida, etc. Maybe. Maybe you are worried about "leaky gut?" Every day the body produces up to 2 grams of secretory IgA (SIgA or an antibody/immunoglobulin) in the intestines to start binding all the bad things floating through the system. They do this through a process called "immune exclusion". SIgA prevents antigens/pathogens from breaching the gut barrier, which helps keep the body from being inflamed. While there are probiotics like S. boulardii and...

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How did your gut health get so bad, and now what? - constipation, reflux, autoimmune

How did your gut health get so bad, and now what? - constipation, reflux, autoimmune

"I have no clue how my health got so bad.""It all started after COVID.""After taking my second round of antibiotics last year my health has never been the same." "I keep getting UTIs. I keep taking antibiotics. And my UTIs keep coming back." "I can't lose weight anymore.""I have histamine intolerances, constipation, reflux, nausea, burping, leaky gut, skin problems, food allergies, and I am 50 lbs. over weight." "My laxatives aren't working anymore. "Do acid blockers really cause dementia?" "I wake up early in the morning with a flat stomach and by 4 pm I look 6 months pregnant." "My...

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How do prebiotics help with leaky gut? - gut health, short-chain fatty acids

How do prebiotics help with leaky gut? - gut health, short-chain fatty acids

Can prebiotics help you recover from leaky gut? 💯 Yes!Precision prebiotics can significantly fuel bacteria types (not available in probiotics) that are proven to increase short-chain fatty acids. The result is a reduction in pro-inflammatory markers and increased epithelial barrier function (Meaning, the gut barrier is becoming stronger). No, not all prebiotics do this. Prebiotics that are both digestive friendly AND shown to help with gut barrier function? You can find our one of our favorite prebiotics here. Personally speaking, I take it daily to help with my metabolic markers and to prevent gut barrier problems. If you have any questions,...

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Probiotic Bucket List - gut health, leaky gut, survivability

Probiotic Bucket List - gut health, leaky gut, survivability

The complete picture of what a probiotic should do WITHOUT...1) refrigeration requirements2) special coatings/capsules 3) hundreds of CFUs4) dozens of strainsThe primary core keys to gut health are...1) Gut microbiota balance (more good than bad with a wide variety of good bacteria, not just a few loaded up daily)2) Gut barrier integrity and functionality (not overly "leaking" or hyperpermeability releasing toxins into the body causing all sorts of health issues)3) Low inflammatory markers in the bloodIf your probiotic isn't delivering these points daily then you aren't taking the best probiotic available. Check out our Ultimate Probiotic and all of its...

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Hashimoto's - gut health, hormone health, thyroid health

Hashimoto's - gut health, hormone health, thyroid health

Did you know...?1) Women are 7 times more likely to get Hashimoto's2) Middle age (40-60) is when Hashimoto's will most likely occur3) No gene has been found to carry it but it does seem to run in families4) Other autoimmune issues increase the risk for Hashimoto's5) Altered microbiota composition, too few short-chain fatty acids, and increased serum LPS levels (marker for leaky gut) are shown to be directly linked to Hashimoto'sWhat do we find that is really helpful for Hashimoto's issues? You can find out more about how we help with Hashimoto's issues here. Yes, it does work. Yes, it...

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Why is the nasal microbiome important? - health, sinus infection, sinuses

Why is the nasal microbiome important? - health, sinus infection, sinuses

Don't you think it was time that Silver Fern™ Brand (a gut health focused company) did something to help the microbiome of the sinuses? I do. And of all people in the world, I needed it too. As a sufferer of a poor immune system, seasonal allergies, bad sinus infections, and bad colds/flus I was crazy excited when our science team had me testing out a new ingredient for my sinuses. I have used Flonase and almost all sinus rinses/washes available. The Walgreens in our area knew me well. While I have liked them, I was still having sinus infections...

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Are antibiotics increasing your risk for future UTIs? - gut health, women's health

Are antibiotics increasing your risk for future UTIs? - gut health, women's health

Antibiotics are the "go to" solution for UTIs. BUT... What if your issues continue? "The difference between the women who got repeated UTIs and those who didn’t, surprisingly, didn’t come down to the kind of E. coli in their intestines or even the presence of E. coli in their bladders. Both groups carried E. coli strains in their guts capable of causing UTIs, and such strains occasionally spread to their bladders."Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis"The real difference was in the makeup of their gut microbiomes. Patients with repeat infections showed decreased diversity of healthy gut microbial species, which...

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Introducing: Nano Spray - microbiome, sinuses, sinus infection

Introducing: Nano Spray - microbiome, sinuses, sinus infection

🎉 AVAILABLE NOW! Nano Spray!🎉⁠Just in time for cold & flu season! ⁠⁠Did you know that an imbalanced sinus microbiome can cause congestion, reactions, stuffiness, running, dripping, and many other problems? It's true. Plus our noses are a great way for irritants and other unwanted "guests" to enter our bodies.*⁠⁠So what is it? Nano Spray contains frequency activated nano Ag4O4 (purified silver). This ingredient helps breakdown the unwanted guests in the microbiome that often cause problems in the sinuses.*⁠⁠The purified silver in Nano Spray is NOT traditional colloidal silver. It is able to function with multiple strike actions compared to...

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I no longer get sinus infections, what changed? - microbiome, sinuses, cold & flu, allergies

I no longer get sinus infections, what changed? - microbiome, sinuses, cold & flu, allergies

My personal sinus infection history: I typically had 1-3 sinus infections every year for about 15 years or so. No joke. I would get a cold. The cold would linger for weeks and weeks. My sinuses would hurt. I would try Sudafed, Flonase, sinus rinses, sinus sprays, zinc, vitamin c, elderberry, etc. the whole time. The pressure would build and build. My head would hurt. The pressure in my face would kill. I would inevitably stop in to the doctor. He would verify that it had been more than 6 weeks to make sure it wasn't a virus. And then...

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What else causes bloating? - gut health, intermittentfasting

What else causes bloating? - gut health, intermittentfasting

Sometimes the cause of bloating isn't due to gut imbalances, leaky gut, inflammation, candida, SIBO, IBS, food intolerances/sensitivities/allergies, gastritis, low stomach acid, constipation, slow gastric emptying, diarrhea, etc. Yes, intermittent fasting or skipping meals can cause bloating. Yes, drinking a lot of water each day can cause bloating. Yes, hormone imbalances definitely cause bloating. People can get bloated following a hard workout. Anyone stressed and/or anxious lately? Stress causes an inflammatory response in the digestive tract causing distress related bloating. Let's not forget weight gain. High levels of stress can cause weight gain. And weight gain can cause bloating. What...

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Signs of parasites leaving - gut health, candida, cleanse, detox

Signs of parasites leaving - gut health, candida, cleanse, detox

4 interesting points to make about our approach to helping with parasites:⁠⁠1) Our protocol also targets bad bacteria⁠2) Our protocol also targets bad fungal issues (like candida and mold)⁠3) Our approach has a full break-down and soak-up process so that floating pathogens also get gathered up⁠4) We hit parasite issues all the way, not kind of ⁠⁠"How will I know if Nano Scrub is working?"⁠If you have bad things in the gut you will notice changes. I suggest easing into the use of Nano Scrub slowly if you think you have bad imbalances, like 1/4 or 1/2 tsp to begin...

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What you should know before buying any probiotic - gut health, leaky gut, probiotics

What you should know before buying any probiotic - gut health, leaky gut, probiotics

"Most probiotics are a complete waste of money! Further, the majority of fermented foods do not contain the live cultures in them most people think and those that do have living organisms do not survive digestion. And in order for a probiotic to be a probiotic it must deliver living microorganisms. Most do not!" This is a comment I remember when we first met the microbiologist that would eventually formulate our probiotic (btw-he is a common keynote speaker at fermentation conferences). His attitude based on about 22 years of microbiome research experience was that most probiotics were worthless. Most of...

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High cholesterol checklist - gut health, leaky gut, gut imbalances

High cholesterol checklist - gut health, leaky gut, gut imbalances

Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and too much alcohol are all causes of gut imbalances and leaky gut. So, I can't help but wonder if these lifestyle behaviors don't trigger the gut problems that then cause high LDL cholesterol. Oddly enough, some of the same ingredients for the liver also help with cholesterol. Currently we do not offer a cholesterol aiding product. We are researching this now. If you have any questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.  

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Sensitive Gut Fiber - gut health, constipation, prebiotics

Sensitive Gut Fiber - gut health, constipation, prebiotics

Do prebiotics tear you up? They can do that to a lot of people. Sensitive Gut Fiber doesn't do that. And it contains very clinically researched ingredients that are proven to be very successful prebiotics. The only reason not to add Sensitive Gut Fiber to your gut health protocol is if you have slow gastric emptying or gastroparesis. How do I use it? I'm loading up on it daily to improve my health markers for my metabolic needs. It is part of my daily routine for helping build up short-chain fatty acids and bacteria types in the gut that are...

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NAFLD and the gut - gut health, fatty liver disease, leaky gut

NAFLD and the gut - gut health, fatty liver disease, leaky gut

As the gut goes so do other organs. When gut imbalances transport to other organs, problems happen. Imbalances in the gut lead to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Leaky gut leads to bad stuff moving to other parts of the body and to other organs. This results in inflammatory issues in other parts of the body (like the liver). With increased intestinal permeability comes liver fat accumulation. And this contributes to issues like NAFLD. Also, imbalances in the gut cause leaky gut. Leaky gut causes systemic inflammation. This whole process is also linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic...

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The missing secret to helping with leaky gut issues - gut health, gut barrier

The missing secret to helping with leaky gut issues - gut health, gut barrier

Are you really addressing leaky gut or just part of it? To help with leaky gut you must first address what is causing it AND THEN you can build the gut barrier back up. Bad bacteria inhibit mucus secretion, leaving the gut barrier open season for pathogens. Did you know that the mucus layer acts as a protective shield for the rest of the gut barrier? When it is weak and/or damaged your gut barrier becomes an open target to pathogens. Also, the mucus barrier is key component for helping with issues like food allergies. Yet most gut health protocols...

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Processed vs. ultra processed foods - gut health, nutrition

Processed vs. ultra processed foods - gut health, nutrition

"Reduce processed foods," seems like a simple enough statement but it's also a very broad statement. So what do we mean when we say, "reduce processed foods?"Your chips, soft drinks, candy, ready to eat meals, and anything else wherein the majority of the product is from substances extracted from foods or pulled from food constituents with little to nothing left intact are ultra processed foods. Say what? 🤔These products contain refined carbs, saturated fats, and tons of salt. This is not super healthy. These are seldom created with health in mind. Let's say you buy a bag of baby carrots,...

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What should your gut health protocol do for you? - constipation, diarrhea, detox

What should your gut health protocol do for you? - constipation, diarrhea, detox

Motility and detox pathways should be opened up. Then...A full clean up should happen. Then...The gut should be built back up again. That's the order. And then you should move on with life. That's what should happen. Silver Fern™ Brand is a full gut focused brand. We specialize in gut health. It is what we do, and we do it well. If you have mild/occasional issues or just want to make sure you are cleaning up / helping the gut and you can find our general gut health protocol here.BUT if you have bad issues (of a wide variety from...

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Why is motility such an important factor in your gut health? - constipation, gut imbalance, diarrhea

Why is motility such an important factor in your gut health? - constipation, gut imbalance, diarrhea

Here's the simple way to know if you have slow motility issues: Are you taking something that if you stop taking it results in constipation? Do you ever feel like food just sits in your stomach? Do you have constipation, reflux, heartburn, feel full after eating a little and for a long period of time, have bloating, stomach pain, and nausea in any combination?Slow motility can even cause diarrhea issues. Anyone go from constipation to diarrhea or from diarrhea to constipation? Why should motility be step 1 of a gut health protocol? Consider these:How do you clean up the gut...

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How do you know if you're passing candida? - gut health, detox

How do you know if you're passing candida? - gut health, detox

Ready to get started seeing changes? Check out "I'm taking Nano Scrub. I started seeing stuff in my stools. Is that normal?"Yes, it is very normal if you have candida or parasite issues to notice stuff/changes in your stool when using Nano Scrub. And you may notice other things as well. It does mean the products are working.When you start taking Nano Scrub you may feel other discomforts. In these situations you may want to reduce your dosing of Nano Scrub for a few days and then gradually increase up to the recommended dose.Ready to get started seeing changes? Comment...

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What are the research findings on diatomaceous earth? - gut health, parasites, detox

What are the research findings on diatomaceous earth? - gut health, parasites, detox

We get asked about diatomaceous earth a lot. Is it good? Does it work? Should I take it? Here's our view. I can find blog after blog after blog that talks about all the "evidence" backed research for diatomaceous earth. But those blogs do not then show the research reference studies supporting their suggested health benefits. The closest research I can find for diatomaceous earth helping with parasites is this:"The results of this study indicate the DE has the potential to be an effective treatment to help control parasites and improve production of organically raised, free-range layer hens" from 2011....

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Addressing the root cause of food intolerances - gut health, DAO enzymes

Addressing the root cause of food intolerances - gut health, DAO enzymes

What do the experts say about food intolerances? "Experts aren't sure why some people develop food intolerances."Cleveland ClinicHere is our view. "...evidence strongly demonstrates an inextricable link between the pancreas and the gut."European Journal Of Immunology 1) A poor gut bacteria composition seems to connect in a lot of research to food intolerances. Not only do good microbes produce enzymes for digestion, but when bad microbes from the gut colonize the pancreas it can cause pancreatic problems (microbiota-pancreas axis). This can cause a reduction in enzyme production. Therefore, we assume in order to help food intolerances the gut needs a...

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Back to School: preparing for all the germs - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, mucosal barrier

Back to School: preparing for all the germs - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, mucosal barrier

If you are strictly playing defense with cold & flu season you have already lost. The secret to winning is making sure you and your children have strong immune systems that easily repel sicknesses. This means that instead of the cold & flu knocking you out for days and weeks, you feel tired and warn down a couple of days but bounce right back. I used to get sick all the time from our kids bringing bugs home from school. And then our kids were always missing school because they were sick for a long time. Here's the secret:Look to...

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Your microbiome affects your breath - gut health, oral health, microbiome

Your microbiome affects your breath - gut health, oral health, microbiome

Does the microbiome of the mouth, stomach and gut affect your breath? ⁠⁠YES!!!⁠⁠If I were to choose 1 product most likely to help with bad breath, it would be Nano Scrub. I'd rinse with it and then swallow it. ⁠⁠You can find Nano Scrub here. ⁠⁠If you are not sure where to start with gut health then take the quiz.  If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

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How can digestive enzymes help with your protein goals - gut health, digestions, nutrient absorption

How can digestive enzymes help with your protein goals - gut health, digestions, nutrient absorption

Are you maximizing your high protein diet? For years I would stack protein to put on muscle for sports. I'd exercise, practice whatever sport I was doing at the time, and eat a ton of protein. As I graduated away from sports my exercising became all about being lean and healthy. And eating lots of protein was part of that approach. Now I know how to eat less protein and put on the same amount of muscle as before. It's a lot less expensive this way and I don't feel like I am chasing protein all day long to build...

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What can you do to help with candida overgrowth? - gut health, candida, bloating, gas

What can you do to help with candida overgrowth? - gut health, candida, bloating, gas

"How did I get candida overgrowth in the first place?" ⁠⁠There are several causes that are possibilities, but if you think you are going to get rid of candida overgrowth with diet alone, good luck.🍀 There is very little evidence of that working alone. However, if this did work for you then great. 👍⁠⁠Other options: ⁠Antifungal drugs and creams maybe? Antifungal lozenges?⁠Reduce stress? ⁠Better sleep? ⁠Probiotics and prebiotics maybe?⁠Vitamin D? ⁠Garlic and oregano maybe? ⁠⁠The approach we find most beneficial is to combine Nano Scrub and Cleanse. ⁠⁠We ask people to swish around Nano Scrub in the mouth for about...

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Food avoidance isn't a long term solution to gut health issues - bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea

Food avoidance isn't a long term solution to gut health issues - bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea

"Excuse me, is this protocol going to be..."Hard? YesDifficult? Yes"Will it take..."Time? Yes"Will it come with..."Discomforts? Likely. If you are changing the gut quickly real stuff happens. Die-off is a real thing. Gas and bloating come with everything. Literally. They will most likely come when you change up the microbiome quickly. "Is it going to be totally worth it though?"Absolutely When I had to avoid food, life was so not convenient. When dang near every cold turned into a sinus infection it was super annoying. When you look 6 months pregnant at 4 pm in the afternoon every day, it...

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Is brain fog related to gut health? YES! - gut health, hashimotos, candida, IBS

Is brain fog related to gut health? YES! - gut health, hashimotos, candida, IBS

Brain fog is real. Gut problems do cause it. Cleaning up gut health can help get rid of it. The first thing my wife found from loading up on Cleanse was that her brain fog went away. She has Hashimoto's. When she hyper focused on decreasing immune activation the first thing she realized was that she had clarity again and wasn't in a constant state of fogginess in the mind. There are many things that can cause brain fog. Many of these issues have to do with the gut. There are, however, issues like hormones and such that can also...

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What makes Silver Fern Brand different? Everything. - gut health, probiotics, detox

What makes Silver Fern Brand different? Everything. - gut health, probiotics, detox

What sets Silver Fern™ Brand apart? Everything. We take a top down approach (start in the esophagus and stomach then work down through the colon). We assume everything is a problem then use a complete protocol to hit the entire system. Since the digestive system is all connected doesn't that make sense? We start with step 1, not step 3. We open up detox pathways and help establish non-laxative forced motility BEFORE doing a gut clean up. Doesn't it make sense to open the "doors" before trying to clean everything out? And, did you know that most gut imbalances and...

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Caffeine, good or bad? - gut health, energy

Caffeine, good or bad? - gut health, energy

Is caffeine good or bad for you? Both. It depends on how much you are taking and what your gut issues are at the time you take it. Most people really want to know if coffee is good for the gut. Generally speaking (once again), the answer depends on how much you drink and what your gut problems are at the time you take it. Coffee is generally considered good for the gut microbiome. If you have gastritis, low stomach acid, SIBO, and/or IBS then you may want to hold off on the caffeine for a bit. If you want...

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Yeast infection? It could be due to yeast imbalances - gut health, women's health, vaginal health

Yeast infection? It could be due to yeast imbalances - gut health, women's health, vaginal health

How did you get your yeast infection? If you recently used an antibiotic and ended up with a yeast infection it is most likely your antibiotic use caused imbalances in the natural vaginal flora. Other causes of yeast infections include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, a poor immune system, oral contraceptives, or hormone therapy (this is just to name some of the more common causes).Obviously, as a supplement company we are not allowed to treat, cure, heal, repair, fix, rebuild or much of anything. Only doctors and drugs can do these things. So, from here on out I am only suggesting what...

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3 types of SIBO, and why don't antibiotics work - gut health, bloating, gas

3 types of SIBO, and why don't antibiotics work - gut health, bloating, gas

Why doesn't anything ever help your SIBO issues completely? Let's start off with the basics. There are 4 causes of SIBO problems, not 1. Gut imbalances are only one cause of SIBO issues and those imbalances are in part or in whole caused by the other causes of SIBO, so they all need to be addressed. More than 50%. This is the likelihood that your SIBO issues will either not go away or will return shortly after antibiotic use for addressing SIBO because antibiotics do not help with ❌ Low stomach acid ❌ Decreased bile acid ❌ Slow motility The...

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Nano Scrub, ya, it's THAT good. - gut health, nanoAG404

Nano Scrub, ya, it's THAT good. - gut health, nanoAG404

There is a reason Nano Scrub is in all of our protocols. Ya, it's THAT good.1) I literally can't find a product with more research and manufacturer protections on it for safety. 2) It is very effective against all the bad stuff in the gut: bacterial, fungal, parasitical, etc. but does not kill the good stuff. The good stuff in the gut has a different outer protective system and for some reason (which is still unknown) the Nano Scrub doesn't pop it or tear it apart like it does with the protective systems of bad stuff in the gut. Per...

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