Nano Gel - Frequency Charged Silver - 24PPM

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Your skin is subjected to all kinds of environmental stress, it gets irritated, cut, hurt, dirty, and imbalanced just like the gut and sinuses do. That’s why Silver Fern™ Brand developed Nano Gel, it’s our secret “catch all” answer to skin issues. If you have skin issues, Nano Gel is your new best friend.*

There is a HUGE Difference Between Using Skin Products and HELPING the Skin

We have large families here with a lot of kids. With a lot of kids come a lot of skin problems, everything from cuts and scrapes to bug bites and burns. And then if you have children in sports or athletics, you encounter all sorts of additional issues such as concerns over ringworm, athletes’ foot, and jock itch.*

We’ve unfortunately heard and seen it all, so guess who we tested Nano Gel on first to see if it worked?

We also get asked about nail fungus and vaginal skin “concerns” A LOT. While we recommend an inside out approach to yeast and other imbalance problems, having a really effective topical skin product can be extremely helpful while you work on resolving the root internal causes.*

We’ve seen great results with Nano Gel. Many have found it to be more effective and have had their discomforts diminish sooner when using Nano Gel versus other skin products. You may also find it to be very helpful for skin concerns in areas of your body that you may be embarrassed to talk about.*

If you are looking to clean up skin concerns, Nano Gel is for you!*

Nano Gel:

  • May help with skin discomforts*
  • May help with skin imbalances*
  • May help with cuts, burns, and abrasions*

What Is Nano Gel?

Nano Gel contains frequency activated nano Ag4O4 (purified silver). This ingredient helps break down the bad actors of the skin that can cause common skin problems. It can help clean up areas of the skin that normal products do not.*

Why did we use this silver ingredient? This was the best ingredient our microbiome researchers could find, quantify, and verify from both available research studies and in person testing. It is clearly the superior option and unlike what is available elsewhere.*

Nano Gel:

  • Provides continual strike actions
  • Helps support a healthy skin microbiome*
  • GRAS certified*

When and How Do You Use Nano Gel?

You can apply Nano Gel to the skin multiple times a day. For severe imbalances or skin concerns, use it at minimum 4 times daily until issues improve.

Nano Gel Facts
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.