Never ending constipation and how to get your bowels moving again - gut health, probiotics, magnesium, vitamins B1 & B12

Never ending constipation and how to get your bowels moving again - gut health, probiotics, magnesium, vitamins B1 & B12

This is a program I usually recommend for at least 90 days to make regularity “stick.”.If starting with severe constipation, after several weeks of a really high dose of 3-4 capsules of Upper GI Relief before each meal and once constipation is a thing of the past, dosing can be reduced to 2 capsules before each meal. The really high dosing is to get things moving a bit sooner..For both moderate and severe constipation problems the goal is to be able to reduce the dosing for themagnesium and other vitamins to normal daily doses over several weeks as well. Because...

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Beating heartburn & acid reflux - gut health, upper GI Relief, indigestion

Beating heartburn & acid reflux - gut health, upper GI Relief, indigestion

A lot of people ask about heartburn and reflux each day. A lot. ⁠.⁠Here’s my personal formula/program for addressing⁠these issues. This formula works for most people and works very well. ⁠.⁠Because each person is different, the dosing needs to be worked out on a per person basis (especially with the Betaine HCL). I’d suggest starting low with Betaine HCL and working up (start at 100 mg and gradually increase).⁠.⁠The ginger in Upper GI Relief has a high dose of Gingerols in it (20% compared to 5% found in most products). Occasionally, some can’t handle the high amount of ginger but...

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Where to start if you have ALL the symptoms - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, etc.

Where to start if you have ALL the symptoms - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, etc.

Here’s for the “I have it all” people (meaning a wide variety of stomach issues and problems). ⁠.⁠This post is for cases with a combination of several or all the issues mentioned in the post (constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, nausea, bloating, etc.). It is a short-term, heavy, load-up on supplements to help knock the issues out and be done with them. The dosing is high, but it works. Once the gut is doing well, it only S to tarting be maintained (and dosing can be dramatically lowered).⁠.⁠Step 1 is for people with a combination of these issues is to address...

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Restoring gut health requires these four things

Restoring gut health requires these four things

The decline of gut health isn’t typically a sudden event. .Can taking antibiotics repeatedly over a shortwindow mess the gut up quickly? For sure. But I find most people have experienced a slow decline in gut health that has gotten worse and worse over time. .This can come from times of high stress, poor foodchoices, travel abroad, and many other sources. There is typically a combination of things that really drives stomach issues. .Here’s the bottom line, restoring gut health takes:▪️ starting in the right spot▪️ taking the right products in the right doses▪️ applying gut health lifestyle changes▪️ time.I...

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How I calmed my overreactive immune system - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies

How I calmed my overreactive immune system - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies

Tiff here 👋🏼 I used to have consistent, horrible flare ups with my immune issues. My flares consisted of my hair falling out, brain fog, being exhausted, and skin issues. My flares would happen almost quarterly, I would have to go back to the doctor, get bloodwork done and then adjust my medications. It felt like the never-ending cycle. I haven't had a flair in several years since starting on this regimen our dietitians recommended. ⁠.⁠I started with Step 1 for four months before moving to Step 2 for another four months. For the first month,⁠I doubled the dose of...

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Not all gut health supplements are the same - probiotics, prebiotics, cleanse, detox

Not all gut health supplements are the same - probiotics, prebiotics, cleanse, detox

If a person has ever taken a probiotic and thought to themselves, “This doesn’t seem to be doing anything,” they would most likely be right. Most common probiotics and supplements may not be doing much. If they did more people would notice, right?.Silver Fern™ Brand’s products don’t function like all other companies’ products. Most companies create products based upon price points, margins, and minimal doses by sprinkling in a lot of “power ingredient names” into a blend. .Silver Fern™ Brand creates products based upon the science of what will work, the dosing that is recommended by the science, and then...

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Starting in the right place will help with gut health success - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies

Starting in the right place will help with gut health success - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies

If I were to sum up the number one reason people fail with gut health products, programs or anything else it is that they start in the wrong spot. ⁠.⁠They are never told where to start so they jump in and guess...They start in the wrong spot. They get angry. And then they go somewhere else to try again or they go see another doctor. This cycle is frustrating.⁠.⁠Imagine if a person starts with steps 4, 5, and 6 of a 10-step process for anything. What will happen to that person’s long-term success by skipping steps 1, 2, and 3?...

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Boosting gut health increase neurotransmitter production, aiding in improving mental health - gut health, gut-brain axis, mental health, anxiety, depression, GABA, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin

Boosting gut health increase neurotransmitter production, aiding in improving mental health - gut health, gut-brain axis, mental health, anxiety, depression, GABA, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin

Improving gut health is NOT only about resolving digestive discomforts, skin issues, allergies, and weightproblems. Gut health and mental health are also directly connected. .By improving gut health, mental health can also improve. Over 90% of serotonin comes from the gut. But what most people aren’t aware of is that the production of other neurotransmitters also takes place in the gut..Let’s imagine someone is on depression medications to help resolve depression. While this person is ondepression medications, why shouldn’t they start to correct the underlying issues associated with their own low neurotransmitter production? Why not correct the underlying causes for...

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Nutrient absorption is a game changer when it comes to health & fitness - gut health, probiotics, digestive enzymes, protein abosrption

Nutrient absorption is a game changer when it comes to health & fitness - gut health, probiotics, digestive enzymes, protein abosrption

Let’s face it. While eating healthy is important, utilizing and absorbing the nutrients is the other half of the story. What good are healthy foods when the body doesn’t use the nutrients from them?.For example, when a person has constipation and/or diarrhea on a regular basis they likely have nutrientdeficiency, which harms building muscle and exercise recovery. .Processing foods in the gut correctly with enough stomach acids, enzymes, and the right bacteria directly affects the metabolism and fat burning. It is critical to look beyond healthy eating to utilizing and absorbing healthy foods..If gut health is poor, then a person...

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Ultimate Probiotics can help with allergies and food intolerances-gut health

Ultimate Probiotics can help with allergies and food intolerances-gut health

"have been taking these probiotics for a year at least and have noticed a big difference in my ability to tolerate certain foods as well as am improvement in my allergies , which translates to more energy. last year at this time i had to take the strongest allergy medicine every day and now i can go some days with out anything ."⁠-Amazon reviewer⁠.⁠Gut health isn't just about bowel movements. Having a healthy gut can help with food intolerances, allergies, skin, mood, metabolism...the list goes on!⁠.⁠Take action towards better gut health using a probiotic that not only introduces good bacteria...

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Daily stomach discomfort? Upper GI Relief & digestive enzymes can help-gut health, gas, bloating, stomach pain

Daily stomach discomfort? Upper GI Relief & digestive enzymes can help-gut health, gas, bloating, stomach pain

How many people feel like this every day? .When this feeling happens, I usually assume a personisn’t digesting correctly, especially for those on a high protein diet. The digestive process is complex soin order to properly break down foods stomach acid, enzymes, and bacteria balance all need to be addressed..The initial high dosing of Upper GI Relief and Digestive Enzymes is to help correct things faster. I don’tsuggest a person take supplements in high doses for long-term. The goal is to correct the immediate issues as soon as possible, resolve the underlying problems, and then maintain gut health once it...

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Digestive enzymes can be very effective IF you take the right enzymes at the right time in the right dose - digestive enzymes, fodmap, gluten, dairy, food intolerances

Digestive enzymes can be very effective IF you take the right enzymes at the right time in the right dose - digestive enzymes, fodmap, gluten, dairy, food intolerances

We hear it all the time, "I've tried enzymes in the past and they didn't work!" We respectfully disagree, at least when it comes to our enzymes.⁠.⁠The short-term solution to food intolerances is taking the RIGHT ENZYMES at the⁠RIGHT TIME in the right⁠RIGHT DOSES.⁠(The long-term solution is taking probiotics that increase a person’s own enzyme production)⁠.⁠1️⃣ Specific enzymes break down specific foods. For example, lactase doesn’t break down gluten. Gluten⁠enzymes don’t break down pectin or inulin.⁠2️⃣ Not all enzymes with the same names are equally effective.⁠3️⃣ Taking enzymes after a meal is useless. When undigested food hits the intestinal tract,...

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Evidence for leaky gut and its effect on multiple aspects of health - probiotics, prebiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies, gut health

Evidence for leaky gut and its effect on multiple aspects of health - probiotics, prebiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies, gut health

For not being a “real issue”, leaky gut (also called increased intestinal permeability) sure has a lot of clinical support behind it as being a fundamental cause or contributor to a lot of health problems. .There is also solid scientific support for key probiotics, prebiotics, and immunoglobulin/antibody concentrate blends (along with changing lifestyle choices) that cancorrect the imbalances and intestinal permeability in the gut in such a way as to manifest in fewer stomach problems and issues..“Leaky gut isn’t real!!!! Don’t lie!!!!” is a common reaction we get from our posts on leaky gut. Our microbiologist and science team suggests...

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Gut health affects mood, weight gain, acne, and so much more

Gut health affects mood, weight gain, acne, and so much more

Gut health literally affects how a person feels. That’s the science. If a person struggles with being ornery, feels out of sorts, is constantly stressed, and is frequently irritated, there is a great chance they have gut health problems. .Poor gut health doesn’t just affect digestion. It causes frustrations and problems well beyond constipation and diarrhea. People ask all the time about why they suddenly have unexplained weight gain: “My diet’s the same. I exercise daily. I’m not doing anything different, but I have gained 10 pounds in 3 months. Is that a gut problem?” It definitely could be. .Hormones...

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Gut health impacts energy (& hormones)-probiotics

Gut health impacts energy (& hormones)-probiotics

“What does leaky gut and bacteria imbalances have to do with my energy levels?” A lot. They are directly connected. ⁠.⁠If a person is dragging all day and has poor gut health, I have a pretty good idea where they should start with their low energy issues.⁠.“But don’t hormones affect energy too?” Yes. And the gut affects hormones. I’m not suggesting someone not get their hormones checked or not work on those to help improve energy levels, but I am suggesting that a person that knows hormones likely knows how important gut health is to hormone levels.⁠.⁠Get energy with better...

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True probiotics can help with so many digestive issues-heartburn, reflux, constipation, diarrhea

True probiotics can help with so many digestive issues-heartburn, reflux, constipation, diarrhea

I really struggle with some gut health issues like bloating, irregularity (like the book says, everybody poops) and a few other issues that stem from my GI problems when I had my gallbladder removed and suffered from pancreatitis. So it definitely makes it hard to find the best probiotic out there that combats all these things. The @silverfernbrand one is the only one that has really shown me significant improvement in those areas! Finding a good probiotic is KEY with gut health and I’m so thankful to have the Silver Fern one in my life!@kimmymanzo

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Immune Health also impacts allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, eczema, arthritis, infections, food allergies, energy- gut health

Immune Health also impacts allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, eczema, arthritis, infections, food allergies, energy- gut health

What do I do for allergies (including food allergies) and asthma?”⁠“What do I do for skin irritations and problems?”⁠.⁠Looking beyond the immune system to address things like allergies/food allergies, asthma, arthritis,⁠autoimmune issues, and skin problems is a huge mistake. ⁠.⁠Addressing the immune system via gut health⁠is one of the best ways to directly address these issues. Since “immune boosting” or “immune support” is used on everything from water consumption to walking, we seem to be diluting the message for how extremely important the immune system is. ⁠.⁠Here are some suggestions for how to best improve the immune system:⁠1️⃣ Stop consuming...

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The gut directs cravings, appetite, fat storage, & metabolism-weight gain, gut health, long-term weight loss

The gut directs cravings, appetite, fat storage, & metabolism-weight gain, gut health, long-term weight loss

The gut directs cravings, appetite, fat storage, and the metabolism. Don’t believe me? Ask someone with candida yeast overgrowth how their sugar cravings are going. Or research the term “dysbiosis” (bacteria imbalances) and “obesity”, “weight gain”, or “metabolic syndrome.” They are directly linked together. ⁠.⁠💊Guess how many people gain weight and can’t lose it after back-to-back usages of antibiotics? A lot. ⁠.⁠🍟Why are fast foods, soda pop, sugary treats, and artificial sweeteners a problem for people trying to drop fat? Among other things, they are major contributors to bacteria imbalances.⁠.⁠Here’s a fact. The gut and brain talk to each other...

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Gut health can help with sinus infections-probiotics, immuniyt, zinc bisglycinate, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies

Gut health can help with sinus infections-probiotics, immuniyt, zinc bisglycinate, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies

I used to get multiple sinus infections each year. My kids would bring home all sorts of illnesses. I would catch it and get really sick. The cold/flu would go away but my sinuses would always get infected. ⁠.⁠After my sinuses were infected, I would try everything I could to clean them out until I’d finally go see a doctor and have them put me on an antibiotic. How often would I get sinus infections? At least 3 times a year. Because I am so familiar with this issue, I am sharing my personal solution to dealing with them.⁠.⁠1️⃣ I...

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Aids for improving leaky gut-probiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies, glutamine, curcumin, zinc carnosine

Aids for improving leaky gut-probiotics, immunoglobulins, antibodies, glutamine, curcumin, zinc carnosine

Q: “Do probiotics help with leaky gut?” (endotoxemia/increased intestinal permeability)⁠A: “Yes. Not all. But some do. There are key probiotic strains shown to help reduce the indicators of⁠leaky gut.”⁠.⁠Q: “What else can I do for leaky gut?”⁠A: “Immunoglobulins (specifically IgG) are shown to bind and eliminate the indicators of leaky gut. Glutamine, Curcumin, and Zinc Carnosine are also shown to be helpful nutrients for resolving leaky gut.”⁠.⁠Q: “Anything else I can do?”⁠A: “Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, roots, and tubers (spinach, ginger, mushrooms, grapes, bananas, papaya, lemons and limes, etc.) and reduce all the junk food (cookies, pastries, cakes,...

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Tough case of Heartburn & reflux? -probiotics, digestive enzymes, cleanse, gut health

Tough case of Heartburn & reflux? -probiotics, digestive enzymes, cleanse, gut health

Most people (90+%) that use Upper GI Relief notice a fairly quick reduction in heartburn and acid reflux. But occasionally I get this feedback:⁠“I’ve been on the high dose of Upper GI Relief a month, and I still have heartburn. Now what?”⁠.⁠Upper GI Relief helps most people knock out heartburn, constipation, acid reflux, nausea, stomach cramps, and bloating (from slow motility). But let’s assume it isn’t working.⁠.⁠While there isn't a lot of clinical data for a couple of these steps, they do work a lot of the time along with Upper GI Relief to knock out heartburn and acid reflux.⁠.⁠Taking...

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Sex hormones can hijack gut health-estrogen, progesterone

Sex hormones can hijack gut health-estrogen, progesterone

Mood swings, acne flares, muscle aches, and abdominal cramps are all well-known symptoms of menstruation, but it’s also quite common to have sluggish digestion.⁠⁠In fact, roughly 73% of women experience digestive symptoms around their period. ⁠Why is that?⁠⁠Menstruation, or a period, is a time to clear out old tissues (the endometrial lining) and reset the uterus for future egg fertilization. This reset happens roughly every month when fertilization does not occur. ⁠⁠As a result of this, hormone levels like estrogen and progesterone will drop. Progesterone is an anti-inflammatory hormone, so as these levels decline, inflammation in the uterus will rise,...

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For loose stools and chronic diarrhea, we recommend immunoglobulins-IgG, IgA, IgM

For loose stools and chronic diarrhea, we recommend immunoglobulins-IgG, IgA, IgM

Concentrated immunoglobulins are beneficial to gut health for a variety of reasons, but generally speaking, we think immunoglobulins are the best place to start for someone with loose stools and diarrhea.⁠.⁠A person can take 10 grams a day. It can take between 2 to 4 weeks for diarrhea related issues to be reduced. But it works!⁠.⁠Concentrated immunoglobulins also offer:⁠✔️ Increases nutrient absorption⁠✔️ “Bind with toxins in the gut”⁠✔️ “Reducing inflammation-causing cytokines”⁠✔️ “Support the immune system”⁠✔️ “Reduce intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome)⁠✔️ “Improve the balance of the gut flora”⁠(⁠⁠.⁠For people with autoimmune issues, this ingredient is also beneficial:⁠“Research studies provide evidence...

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Truly boosting the immune system with IgG, IgA, IgM-Cleanse, allergies, asthma

Truly boosting the immune system with IgG, IgA, IgM-Cleanse, allergies, asthma

Boost here. Boost there. Every product is boosting something. What does boost even mean⁠ anymore?⁠.⁠The concept of enhancing the immune system has been so overused and is arguably misunderstood by most. We just don’t want to get sick, right? ⁠.⁠The fact is that the immune system being healthy is a HUGE deal for whole body health and feeling good. Here’s the truth: if someone has skin issues, allergies, asthma, a poor digestive system, frequent colds/flu, and⁠exhaustion then they should care a lot about really "boosting" the immune system.⁠.⁠When the 2 parts of the immune system (innate and acquired) work together to...

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Candida overgrowth can be a result of several factors but can helped by the right probiotic strains-S. boulardii

Candida overgrowth can be a result of several factors but can helped by the right probiotic strains-S. boulardii

What happens when the body doesn’t have enough healthy bacteria in it to keep Candida under control? Candida overgrowth!⁠.⁠There are so many factors that can lead to Candida overgrowth:⁠✔️A week immune system⁠✔️High stress⁠✔️Diabetes⁠✔️Antibiotics⁠✔️Eating too much junk food⁠✔️Low stomach acid⁠✔️Slow motility⁠.⁠“Can probiotics help with Candida Overgrowth?”⁠Yes. The right probiotics can help with Candida overgrowth issues. And I think the research is only going to find more and more support for the use of key probiotics in the near future to help prevent candida overgrowth as well as help manage it away once someone has it.⁠.⁠Along with probiotics, one needs to address...

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Repairing & reconditioning the gut can take time and be uncomfortable (similar to physical therapy) but it's worth it-probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies, gut health, digestion

Repairing & reconditioning the gut can take time and be uncomfortable (similar to physical therapy) but it's worth it-probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins, antibodies, gut health, digestion

When someone goes through a very hard surgery the recovery for some may be painful, uncomfortable,⁠ and take a while. Physical therapy for recovery can be on occasion uncomfortable and even at times hurt.⁠.⁠When someone has really difficult stomach issues that have caused a lot of problems for a long time, recovery may be temporarily uncomfortable and take a while (like recovery from anything else). ⁠.⁠Gut recovery isn’t like ordering take-out or buying off of Amazon with 2-day delivery. A couple weeks isn’t⁠ enough time resolve issues.⁠.⁠When a person takes really aggressive anti-microbial and anti-fungal probiotic strains for correcting bad gut problems...

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Low stomach acid and slow digestion create a foundation for SIBO-Upper GI Relief, motility, dysmotility, h. pylori

Low stomach acid and slow digestion create a foundation for SIBO-Upper GI Relief, motility, dysmotility, h. pylori

Please don’t miss the mark when trying to address SIBO. When acid secretion is low, and digestion is slow that’s the foundation for bacteria overgrowth. ⁠.⁠H. pylori issues are also associated with SIBO. To address SIBO one needs to address low stomach acid and slow digestion (dysmotility/slow motility) as well as bacteria imbalances (like H. pylori).⁠

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S. boulardii is a probiotic strain that has many benefits-gut health, acne, enzyme production, infection, c. diff, h. pylori

S. boulardii is a probiotic strain that has many benefits-gut health, acne, enzyme production, infection, c. diff, h. pylori

S. Boulardii, in our opinion, is the king of many strains.⁠⁠The benefits of using this strain for our gut health ranges from mild symptoms such as diarrhea to helping more significant problems such as leaky gut and GI infections.⁠⁠1️⃣ Used for treating & preventing Diarrhea, acne, and digestive tract infections ⁠- ⁠⁠⁠2️⃣ According to clinical and preclinical studies, S. boulardii can upregulate brush border enzyme production. This includes stimulating DAO production, the enzyme involved in histamine degradation ⁠-⁠⁠3️⃣ Parasite clearing in Blastocystis infection⁠-⁠⁠⁠4️⃣ Research found that S. Boulardii displayed anti-Candida properties such as:⁠✔️ Secretes caprylic acid, an antifungal substance...

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What causes stomach issues? - gut health, probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins/antibodies

What causes stomach issues? - gut health, probiotics, cleanse, immunoglobulins/antibodies

When the causes of stomach issues continue to increase so will stomach problems. Why does someone⁠need to manage their gut health daily? Because daily things happen that require maintenance of gut health, just like taking a daily multivitamin.⁠.⁠Anyone have high stress over the last couple years? Is it fair to say that stress is going up for most people? Well, this is a major contributor to gut health problems.⁠.⁠Does anyone get a little bit relaxed over holidays on their food and alcohol consumption? A poor diet and alcohol consumption can wreck gut balance causing all sorts of issues to come...

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Better protein utilization can not only help with muscles but also decreases gas, bloating, cramping, stomach pain, etc.-digestive enzymes, gut health

Better protein utilization can not only help with muscles but also decreases gas, bloating, cramping, stomach pain, etc.-digestive enzymes, gut health

Not only can better utilization of protein increase muscle growth and repair muscles faster, but it can also decrease digestive discomforts such as gas, bloating, cramping, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Further, high protein diets can cause smelly gas💨. ⁠.⁠Everyone should be motivated for many reasons to help protein break down better.⁠.⁠Herbs such as ginger, artichoke leaf extract, and Gutgard® licorice flavonoids along with proteolytic enzymes (i.e., protease and peptidase) can also help reduce smelly gas and bloating to relieve some of the discomforts associated with a high protein diet.⁠.⁠Protease and peptidase can break down dietary⁠proteins into amino acids,...

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Mood is connected to gut health-psychobiotics, probiotics, mental health

Mood is connected to gut health-psychobiotics, probiotics, mental health

Believe it or not, mood is definitely connected to gut health.⁠.⁠The science on gut health is pretty clear. The gut affects the brain (Gut-Brain Axis) and when the gut is healthy so can our attitudes towards life be healthy. ⁠.⁠Our mood is affected by our gut health. Driving all the bad things out and increasing all the good things in the gut is the first step. Probiotics and immunoglobulin/antibody concentrates are a great place to start for this. ⁠.⁠At the right time there are actually specific probiotic strains that target the reduction of stress and promote a better mood. These...

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IBS, probiotics and where to start repairing and reconditioning the gut

IBS, probiotics and where to start repairing and reconditioning the gut

Do I suggest someone with IBS start with probiotics?⁠.⁠No. I think there is a better supplemental protocol to start for IBS. But I believe that people with IBS should get on the right probiotics as fast as possible to help reduce their problems. ⁠.⁠Saying probiotics as a whole won’t help with IBS does not seem to align with recent studies. I’m sure there are probiotics that shouldn’t be used for IBS. But generalizing that all probiotics are bad for IBS all the time doesn’t seem⁠accurate.⁠⁠

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While repairing & reconditioning the gut, the right enzymes can help-digestive enzymes, dairy, gluten, fodmap

While repairing & reconditioning the gut, the right enzymes can help-digestive enzymes, dairy, gluten, fodmap

While a person is working to repair and recondition their gut, they can either choose to avoid foods that cause issues, or they can use the right enzymes in the right way. ⁠.⁠When I was trying to repair my gut, I was fine to avoid foods that caused me issues most of the time because I knew I was going to eventually be able to eat them all again. But when the weekend, holidays, or other food related celebrations came about I hated food avoidance. Hated it! ⁠.⁠Going out with friends based upon what I could and couldn’t eat made...

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The right supplements can make a huge difference -probiotics, gut health, prebiotics, cleanse

The right supplements can make a huge difference -probiotics, gut health, prebiotics, cleanse

I completely agree that “popping pills” doesn’t resolve everything. That’s true. But the right supplements (not all supplements) should make healthy lifestyle changes easier and more effective. ⁠.⁠I find it so interesting that I hear from so many people something like, “All I need to do is eat more vegetables and fruits. I don’t any stupid supplements. What a waste of money!” when so many of the people reaching out to us start off their introductions with something like, “I eat healthy. I only drink water. I get plenty of sleep. But my stomach is having so many problems. I...

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Mucosal Healing Butter Recipe

Mucosal Healing Butter Recipe

Pills 💊 can sometimes be hard to swallow 😬If that’s the case, then we recommend making this Mucosal Healing Butter recipe, adapted from H.L. Sam Queen’s protocol.Procedure:1. Mix butter and olive oil in blender until smooth.2. Open all capsules and empty contents into olive oil mixture. Blend again.3. Store mixture in refrigerator.Eat 1 tablespoon of mixture for the first 2 days. After that eat 1 heaping tsp per day. Eat directly from the spoon or you may put on food, i.e., whole grain toast, veggies, etc., if necessary for improved tolerance. Do not heat the mixture or spread onto hot...

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High cortisol affects most of the system in the body-stress, anxiety, weight gain, ashwagandha, acne, probiotics

High cortisol affects most of the system in the body-stress, anxiety, weight gain, ashwagandha, acne, probiotics

Too much cortisol? (Weight gain, acne, muscle weakness, irritability, fatigue, high blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, and headaches?) I struggled with this issue too. I am a high stress/anxiety person. ⁠.⁠Along with overcoming stomach issues, my high stress/anxiety problem has been a top priority for me to work on (and maybe Tiff's too 😉). ⁠.⁠Here is one of my go-to combinations for stress/anxiety:⁠▪️“Sensoril Ashwagandha is an adaptogen derived from a unique blend of both leaves and roots of the Withania somnifera plant, by a totally aqueous extraction process, to provide optimal efficacy and bioactive diversity. This proprietary extract, with water-solubility more...

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Many skin issues begin in the gut and can be helped by improving gut health-skin care, acne, allergies, eczema, psoriasis

Many skin issues begin in the gut and can be helped by improving gut health-skin care, acne, allergies, eczema, psoriasis

Ever tried a lot of topical skin care products but didn’t see results? Is it possible that the best solution probably comes from addressing gut and allergy problems? The science sure says so.⁠When the microbiome (gut composition: good vs bad organisms) is altered negatively skin, diseases and⁠problems happen. Bacteria imbalances alter the immune response, which promotes the development of skin problems such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, dandruff, and other skin issues.⁠.Clearly, a poor diet and stress will happen. That’s part of life. But let’s assume a person is trying to manage stress and diet (within normal life circumstances...

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Probiotics can help improve a whole host of things

Probiotics can help improve a whole host of things

A person may think that the only purpose for probiotics is to get over stomach troubles. Most people use a random probiotic from the grocery store because their doctor said to take a probiotic and it's cheap. In fact, all sorts of food are infused with probiotics these days. ⁠.⁠But probiotics are not all the same. Believe it or⁠not, probiotics don’t all contain the same strains. The truth is that probiotics don’t even all fit into the same category and a probiotic should do a lot more than just help with digestive issues.⁠.⁠I was recently helping someone decide where to...

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True probiotics can help with nutrient absorption, making sure you are getting all the nutrients you're eating

True probiotics can help with nutrient absorption, making sure you are getting all the nutrients you're eating

“I’ll just eat healthier. That will make everything better.”⁠It is true that eating healthy is extremely important. But there are literally millions of people that eat healthy every day and still have gut problems. Healthy eating alone isn’t helping them.⁠.⁠Every year people jump on health, exercise, and diet programs. They eat healthy and hope for the⁠returns on that effort to have more lean muscle, less fat, better hair and skin, better health, and more energy, right? Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. ⁠.⁠Why do people see such a difference in benefits from eating healthy? If a person’s gut is...

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Allergies (like hay fever) are directly linked to the immune system - prebiotics, ApplePhenon®

Allergies (like hay fever) are directly linked to the immune system - prebiotics, ApplePhenon®

Going into spring and summer I load up on ApplePhenon® because hay fever is miserable, and I hate living on allergy medicines. ⁠.⁠I grew up getting allergy shots every Wednesday all summer so I could help on the family ranches. I am very familiar with allergy problems. Now I know longer take anything for allergies. ⁠.⁠Once I addressed the underlying issues causing my allergies they disappeared. The bottom line is that allergies are directly linked to the immune system. In order to address allergies, one should really consider doing a heavy focus on improving the immune system.⁠.⁠There are key probiotic...

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Herbs that naturally help with acid reflux - heartburn, gut health

Herbs that naturally help with acid reflux - heartburn, gut health

Did you know there are natural antacids that don’t kill bacteria or reduce the ability to absorb calcium and magnesium?These alternatives can be found in your kitchen and some even smooth and protect inflamed tissue including the mucosa lining.How do these help?They are a natural digestive enzyme that can support the digestion that begins in the stomach.

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Chronic diarrhea can be helped by avoiding foods that cause it and adding in Cleanse - immunoglobulins, gut health

Chronic diarrhea can be helped by avoiding foods that cause it and adding in Cleanse - immunoglobulins, gut health

Chronic diarrhea, like chronic constipation, has underlying causes of bacteria imbalances and leak gut (increased intestinal permeability/endotoxemia). But no matter the cause behind the chronic diarrhea, there are two ways to help manage it:⁠.⁠1️⃣ Stop contributing to the problem (consumption of bad things and foods that may trigger diarrhea)⁠2️⃣ Take a high dose of Cleanse for 90 days⁠The high dose of Cleanse (4 capsules in the morning and 4 capsules in the evening-with or without food) will be extremely helpful for the effective management of diarrhea and loose stools. ⁠.⁠Cleanse is NOT a laxative. The ingredient in Cleanse is an...

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Living a gut health focused lifestyle includes these simple things - sleep, water, exercise, intermittent fasting, probiotics

Living a gut health focused lifestyle includes these simple things - sleep, water, exercise, intermittent fasting, probiotics

We work daily with a lot of people that live a healthy lifestyle and still have serious gut health issues. They exercise daily. They eat clean (mostly fruits and vegetables, drink filtered water, eat organic, avoid sugars, avoid processed foods, avoid artificial ingredients, etc.). They get plenty of rest. They still have gut problems.⁠.⁠“If I am taking the right supplements, do I have to work on changing my lifestyle?” Yes. First, it works a lot better to do them together (a lot better). Second, the right supplements help with the lifestyle changes. Craving sweets, treats, and carbs? Those issues can...

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The Boost Kit can help enhance any weight loss program - probiotics, prebiotics, metabolsim, cravings, diet, exercise

The Boost Kit can help enhance any weight loss program - probiotics, prebiotics, metabolsim, cravings, diet, exercise

I know there are people that love to count macros, track daily calories, track daily burned calories, track⁠steps, take notes in the gym, and count how much protein/carbs they are eating every day. Where⁠performance is measured performance improves, right? ⁠.⁠Tracking my food and calories all day is not sustainable for me. I’d prefer to crave healthy foods, be full and satisfied with smaller portions, and see my body naturally burn fat rather than store it. FYI – I also hate being told I have to stop eating my favorite foods and treats. When I get told not to eat something...

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Allergies, asthma & gut health - probiotics, prebiotics, inflammation, immune system

Allergies, asthma & gut health - probiotics, prebiotics, inflammation, immune system

Are there probiotic strains and prebiotics that are shown to address allergies and allergic diseases (i.e., asthma)? I think so.⁠.⁠One of the first things I noticed from taking real probiotics and prebiotics together was (within 6 months) a reduction of food allergies and hay fever (allergic rhinitis). ⁠.⁠I used to survive spring and summer by regular use of antihistamine medications and nasal steroid treatments. ⁠When my allergies hit really hard I could hardly breath. Growing up I used to get allergy shots so I could work on the family ranches in the summers.⁠.⁠Now the only time I use a nasal...

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Lifestyle changes can help with acid reflux - gut health, stomach acid, heartburn

Lifestyle changes can help with acid reflux - gut health, stomach acid, heartburn

Do you deal with acid reflux?In our recent post we shared that acid reflux isn’t always the production of high stomach acid, but rather exacerbated by low stomach acid.When you don’t make enough stomach acid, the muscles of the esophagus can become weak, which lets stomach contents back-flow.Lifestyle changes can make a difference.✔️Trial hcl which will assist with stomach acid (start slow)✔️Stop overeating/drinking too much liquid mixed with food✔️Manage stress✔️Support your detox system. You may need to look into what nutrients your deficient in.✔️Cut out the CRAP✔️Increase fiber with vegetables✔️Manage a healthy weightSecond slide by @agutsygirlWas this helpful? Let me know...

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A true probiotic should be both anti-microbial and anti-fungal - gut health, IBD, IBS

A true probiotic should be both anti-microbial and anti-fungal - gut health, IBD, IBS

Not all probiotics act the same nor do they offer the same benefits.⁠.⁠The objective for gut health is to have a lot more good organisms than bad organisms in it. An imbalanced gut (dysbiosis) is linked to almost all stomach conditions and many diseases (ranging from IBD to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes). ⁠.⁠In order to keep the gut in good health or to correct an unhealthy gut one must manage this balance. Probiotics should be the managers of gut health by driving the bad stuff out and building up the good stuff. ⁠.⁠While most common probiotics introduce a...

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Calcium, vitamin K2 & D3 are the best combination for bone health

Calcium, vitamin K2 & D3 are the best combination for bone health

Calcium is commonly known for bone health. What most people do not know is how necessary vitamin K2 is in order for calcium to work.⁠.The truth is that without vitamin K2 and D3, calcium doesn’t end up where it’s supposed to. Vitamin⁠K2 helps complete the mission and purpose of calcium.⁠Many people are either eating foods to increase calcium or are on some form of daily calcium supplement, which is great. But getting enough Vitamin K2 and D3 seems to be more challenging. ⁠.⁠Our dietitians and science team formulated our K2D3 supplement to hit the mark for what most people are⁠missing.⁠(Note:...

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The stomach is the 1st major phase of digestion-GERD, gastritis, hiatal hernia, hypochlorhydria, stomach acid,

The stomach is the 1st major phase of digestion-GERD, gastritis, hiatal hernia, hypochlorhydria, stomach acid,

The stomach is the 1st major phase of digestion. When healthy, digestions secretions are at appropriate levels. If digestion is off in the stomach, it can impact other areas in the gut. So, what can go wrong?

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The right kind of ashwagandha can be very helpful for anxiety when taken at the right dose and taken for long enough-mental health, gut health

The right kind of ashwagandha can be very helpful for anxiety when taken at the right dose and taken for long enough-mental health, gut health

“I’ve taken ashwagandha in the past and it didn’t do anything!!!!” Me too. I had the same experience.⁠ Years ago, I tried a well-known ashwagandha brand with a lot of clinical studies on it. I used it for a⁠ couple weeks then said to myself, “This isn’t doing anything!” Then I quit taking it. ⁠.⁠Here are some basic mistakes I made:⁠1. Even though I took the right ashwagandha (KSM-66), I didn’t take it at the right dose and for long enough. The clinical studies on most ashwagandha range from 2-12 weeks depending on what benefit a person is looking for. I personally...

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