Motility, laxative-free - gut health, constipation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
When our oldest was 12 we were told to just give her Miralax every day for...indefinitely. Neither of us felt like that was a solid solution. She was TWELVE. To be dependent on a laxative for the rest of her life didn't feel right to us. So we dove deep (real deep) into gut health.We wish we would have had Motility back then. This product is a game changer, but keep in mind, it's not a laxative so it takes a bit to start working (15-30 days, although some notice changes sooner).Unlike laxatives, Motility helps turn your system back on...

5 things your doctor isn't telling you about constipation - gut health, laxative, toxins
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Motility is a new product and is our strongest response to constipation and slow motility issues to date! It is a non-laxative product. ✅️It works. ✅️It works well. ✅️And for not being a laxative, it works fast. With Motility, we are training the system to turn back on again, and we are helping address underlying slow motility/constipation causes. For more information check out Motility. Motility is not a laxative. Please give it 15 to 30 days on average to start working.If you have constipation + reflux, heartburn, nausea, burping belching, gastritis issues, gut imbalances, leaky gut concerns, SIBO concerns, IBS...

Why is Reflux so great? - gut health, heartburn, reflux, indigestion
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are so many causes of reflux and heartburn, surprisingly enough too much stomach acid is rarely the case. So what does cause reflux and heartburn?🔥✅️ Low stomach acid✅️ Too much stomach acid✅️ Gastritis✅️ Gastroparesis✅️ H. pylori overgrowth✅️ Indigestion/dyspepsia✅️ Inflammation✅️ Weak mucosal barrier✅️ Hiatal hernia✅️ Obesity✅️ Smoking✅️ Medications✅️ Weak esophageal sphincterWe ♥️ Reflux because it helps address the root cause of reflux/heartburn while avoiding the pitfalls of acid blockers. Bonus points because Reflux also helps with constipation, bloating, and nutrient absorption.**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,...

7 things your doctor isn't telling you about Reflux - gut health, acid blockers, reflux, heartburn
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
After years of working with countless people we feel like we finally have the best non-acid blocker response to reflux anywhere. Yes, acid blockers are cheap. Your doctor can prescribe different options and the local grocery store has several OTC options. (And yes, we are aware that Grandma👵🏼 showed you how to mix baking soda with water for a very cheap antacid.) BUT...these options may come with unwanted side effects. BUT...these options are only supposed to be used short-term. If you are looking to help address underlying issues then our approach is best. Why? (1) We are not blocking acid(2)...

Gut Repair - gut health, bloating, ulcers, leaky gut
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why add Gut Repair to your supplement regimen? Because it has so many benefits.It helps:✅️LEAKY GUT*✅️Immune Health*✅️Repair damaged tissue* ✅️Intestinal barrier integrity*✅️Muscle repair and building*✅️Healthy immune responses*✅️Nutrient absorption*Non-flavored allows you to add it to your favorite drink and not notice a thing, other than all of those benefits.*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Laxative-free Regularity - gut health, constipation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We don't keep it a secret that we don't love laxatives. Why? Because they cause dependency, they don't address the root cause of constipation, they can cause leaky bowel, and they were never meant to be used long-term.Regularity helps address the root causes of constipation by helping support intestinal motility and promote more reliable bowel regularity.**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Stress Complex - gut health, mood, mental health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We worked for years to find the right supplement that would help with mood, feelings of anxiousness, sleep, focus, etc. We personally tried many supplements that were clinically supposed to be amazing. They weren't.Then we found Safr'Inside™. This saffron is unlike any other type of saffron we tested. Its 100% original Persian saffron that contains the highest concentration of safranal, the key to amplifying serotonin.* Once we tried it, we knew we had to share it with the world. It's a product we will never be without in our home.We coupled Safr'Inside™ with L-Theanine that works sinergestically to boost both...

Signs of dysbiosis - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Too many CFUs of traditional strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium may very well crowd out beneficial bacteria and then cause "dysbiosis." You don't want this. We didn't mess around when we had Ultimate Probiotic formulated. We couldn't. We are a gut health company and the type of probiotic we sell matters. There are A LOT of probiotics to choose from. A LOT. However, only a few have been formulated by gut experts (microbiologists) taking into consideration the fundamental needs for gut health. Many are formulated by doctors (with no background...

Ultimate Probiotic, not like other probiotics - gut health, leaky gut
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Leaky gut concerns?Gut imbalances?Food intolerances?Histamine intolerance? Survivability concerns? Put those away with Ultimate Probiotic!Ultimate Probiotic was formulated by an industry leading microbiologist to be the master gut management probiotic. Ultimate Probiotic orchestrates a balanced microbiome and strong gut barrier. Unlike reseeding probiotics (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strain probiotics), that need gimmicks, coatings, and capsules to survive, Ultimate Probiotic contains strains that naturally survive the harsh environment of the stomach and digestion to thrive in the colon.*What makes Ultimate Probiotic different? Everything!*It's strains have been proven to help strengthen the gut barrier.*It's strains are proven to help IBS discomforts.*It's strains are proven...

Helping restore stomach health - gut health, reflux, heartburn
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We have had people with bad stomach (reflux, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, burping, belching, H. pylori, low stomach acid, etc.) and constipation issues load up on Upper GI Relief for 90 days periods for about 7 years now. "Loading up" means 4 capsules of GI Relief with the first meal of the day and 4 capsules with the last meal of the day. The simple fact is that it works well. These high doses of Upper GI Relief are very effective at providing significant reduction in H. pylori issues and relief from nausea, burping, indigestion, and other stomach discomfort causes. But...

Supplements for menopause - gut health, womens health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We don't talk about menopause a lot on here, but its something we get asked about, especially when it comes to menopause and gut health. Most women experience common symptoms such as:😢Emotional imbalances🚽Constipation⚖️Metabolic Issues😴Trouble sleeping🦠Gut dysbiosis🦴Loss of bone strength⚡️Hot flashesOur products listed in the graphics above help with all of those things. We didn't exactly set out to create menopause products, but it turns out that good ingredients help with a lot of different things.🙌🏼 For example. anything that helps with cortisol might also help female hormones. Anything that helps the gut can help with female hormones (via the estrobolome)....

Semaglutides and constipation - gut health, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Yes, Motility helps with Semaglutide-caused slow motility issues too. Motility is not a laxative. It helps increase bile acid secretion to help with peristalsis. It helps the gut-brain axis to help with peristalsis. It also helps with stool hydration quality.* If you are struggling with only constipation, please check out Motility.If you are struggling with constipation AND reflux, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, etc., check out our Relux + Motility kit.

FODMAP Enzymes - gut health, digestive enzymes
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Looking for fast relief from gas and bloating due to SIBO and IBS FODMAP food issues? Bloat & Gas ReliefLooking for some FODMAP food freedom while you are working to correct your SIBO and IBS issues? Bloat & Gas ReliefFor these reasons, we have a tough time keeping this product in stock. It works. It works well. Here is the secret: Take enough capsules to match the portion of FODMAPs you intend to eat and take them right before or at the beginning of the meal. That's it. This will give you food freedom. DM us #FODMAP on Instagram if...

4 Keys to helping IBS - gut health, immunoglobulins
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
(1) Most probiotic-loaded and herb-centered products do not work for most people in getting rid of IBS issues. They may help for a short period for some, but issues linger. I'm not being critical here. Our top-performing product is Ultimate Probiotic. It's strains have great research for helping IBS issues, we still don't start people on it though. It is not the most effective option. Plus, it isn't going to be super effective with motility issues. For most of you, motility help is absolutely needed. (2) Enzymes are a great short-term way to help with some of the discomforts associated...

5 things you don't know about IBS - gut health, SIBO, IBS
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Here is what you are not being told about IBS:(1) If you have IBS, you likely have several other issues that also need to be helped along with IBS (SIBO, dysbiosis, visceral hypersensitivity, increased gut mucosal immune activation, EPI, etc.)(2) You may not have IBS at all, it may be something else(3) Antidepressants help with IBS because they can help reduce visceral hypersensitivity. IBS is a gut-brain issue. If you can help restore normal gut-brain function you can feel better. Saffron may be a very good alternative to use to help with IBS issues along with helping the gutWhat is...

Gluten problems? - gut health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Wouldn't it be nice if issues like gluten issues were super simple to fix? We would all love that. The truth is that gluten can be a complex problem for a variety of reasons. Therefore, your gut health response to gluten has to be very complete. Let's take gluten intolerance, for example. Yes, you can avoid gluten forever. That is an option. Not a great option, but an option. If you have gluten intolerance and want a complete approach to helping it, you really need to assume that pancreas issues, SIBO, and IBS could all be part of the problem....

Glutamine helps with Leaky Gut - gut health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Let's be super direct. Is Gut Repair the end-all-be-all for leaky gut? No. But is it part of the key? Yes.Do I take it daily? Yes. I take it in my post-workout muscle recovery and gut health protocol. Gut Repair can be a key product for your journey to strengthen your gut barrier.💪🏼 Here is one of our little gut secrets: All of our protocols fully address leaky gut issues. We assume everyone with gut issues has it and so we fully respond to it in all our protocols. If you would like to see what our "glutamine gut blend"...

Immunoglobulins for IBS & IBD - gut health, cleanse
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
How do we know high doses of immunoglobulins help with IBD issues? We frequently get DMs from customers who have been lied to over and over again and don't trust supplement companies.Many human clinical studies say high doses of immunoglobulins work for IBD-type issues. Immunoglobulins are also sold under the medical-grade food name of EnteraGam®. Industry-leading gastroenterologists use it for IBD issues daily and have done so for 10-plus years and have told us this themselves.We also get asked why is it so expensive and told that we're overcharging.We are not. It is a very expensive ingredient. Our immunoglobulin concentrate...

Cleanse, the utlimate toxin binder - gut health, immunoglobulins, albumin
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
⚠️Warning: Most products don't work this well. If you are looking to take something that works, Cleanse is it!Cleanse contains the richest source of IgG (immunoglobulin/antibody) and albumin that we could find to bind all the bad stuff in the gut.* The immunoglobulin concentrate with albumin is 3X stronger than colostrum for cleaning up the gut. *Why does this matter? An imbalanced gut causes a leaky gut. A leaky gut causes unhealthy inflammatory issues. Unhealthy inflammatory issues cause everything from overactive immune issues to skin problems. Cleanse helps with so many things from cleaning up the gut to strengthening the...

What's the Ulitmate Probiotic difference? - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Leaky gut concerns?Gut imbalances?Food intolerances?Histamine intolerance? Survivability concerns? Put those away with Ultimate Probiotic!Ultimate Probiotic was formulated by an industry leading microbiologist to be the master gut management probiotic. Ultimate Probiotic orchestrates a balanced microbiome and strong gut barrier. Unlike reseeding probiotics (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strain probiotics), that need gimmicks, coatings, and capsules to survive, Ultimate Probiotic contains strains that naturally survive the harsh environment of the stomach and digestion to thrive in the colon."*What makes Ultimate Probiotic different? Everything!*It's strains have been proven to help strengthen the gut barrier.*It's strains are proven to help IBS discomforts.*It's strains are proven...

What should your probiotic do for you? - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What probiotics should you take? There's a million out there.Comparing traditional probiotics (full of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) to Ultimate Probiotic (gut management strains) is a bit like comparing apples to oranges. Here are some features that set Ultimate Probiotic apart: 1️⃣ The strains in Ultimate Probiotic naturally survive without special capsules or coatings2️⃣ Ultimate Probiotic helps improve more than just gut digestion function (improves systems beyond the digestive system)*3️⃣ Ultimate Probiotic helps manage the gut microbiome vs inundating the gut with the same strains (bifidobacterium and lactobacillus strains)*4️⃣ Ultimate Probiotic helps improve bacteria diversity (key to a healthy gut) and...

Benefits of licorice flavanoids - gut health, reflux, constipation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you like DGL products, you will love Upper GI Relief. We went way beyond adding standard licorice with Upper GI Relief. Reasons we ♥️ Upper GI Relief:(1) Nausea and motility issues: Our Motility product is very strong. For some of us that don't have bad constipation issues, Upper GI Relief is a better option for constipation than Motility. Motility can be a bit too strong. (2) H. pylori concerns(3) Helps with ulcers, reflux, etc. type issues(4) Pairing Upper GI Relief with Reflux + Motility is amazing for reflux, heartburn, constipation, and stomach issues(5) Helps increase mucus production to help...

Signs of food intolerances - gut health, bloating, gas
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Here is a secret that took me a long time to figure out. You can fully clean up the gut and build back the gut barrier but still have food intolerances for a while (ie. bloating and gas). After a while longer, while still working on gut health, 🪄 "POOF. SHAZAM" you can eat without bloating and gas issues. After I did a full gut cleanup and buildup I still had gas and bloating. FACT. I thought I was going to be gassy and bloated from certain foods forever. That was just how it was. I was doing a nice...

Estrobolome - gut health, womens health, estrogen
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
The estrobolome is a collection of gut bacteria that metabolize estrogen in the body. It is also known as the estrogen-gut axis!To sum it up: estrogen influences the type of bacteria that live in your gut. Likewise, certain gut bacteria can help recycle estrogen that would otherwise be excreted through stool. Several species are involved in the estrobolome, such as F. prausnitzii, L. rhamnosus, Enterococcus. Roseburia spp, Bifidobacterium and others. Research suggests that we can harness the estrobolome to support healthy estrogen levels in the body. For example, consuming phytoestrogens is shown to boost healthy estrobolome species and may reduce...

Prebiotics for whole body health - gut health, prebiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You may NOT know this:Many prebiotic fiber boosts the bad stuff just as much as the good stuff. It is no respecter of bacteria type. Many of the most beneficial bacteria are NOT available in probiotics. And if they do exist, they don't survive the harsh environment of the stomach wall. Targeted Prebiotic is a precision prebiotic. With it, we can target the key beneficial bacteria types not typically available in probiotics while not boosting the bad stuff.* These specific bacteria types help issues like hay fever and skin issues. They are also able to help push the bad stuff...

Are you getting enough fiber? - gut health, digestion, constipation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You can load up on a lot of fruits and vegetables and still not get enough fiber. Have you ever tried to load up on fiber like inulin? Wow. That's a gassy experience. 💨Fiber by Silver Fern™ helps resolve these issues. It provides a very large serving of easy-to-digest prebiotic fiber per serving. It is very affordable. It has a very mild taste and flavor (great for kids and adults). It is not flavored or sweetened and only contains 1 g of natural sugar from tart cherry powder. Meeting your daily fiber needs no longer needs to be complicated, expensive,...

Sensitive Gut Fiber - gut health, fiber, FODMAP
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Did you know there are key bacteria to promote weight loss? They are:✅️Akkermansia✅️Christensella✅️Prevotella✅️F. PrausnitziiDid you know that certain prebiotics can help decrease stomach pH (help the stomach be more acidic)?Because Sensitive Gut Fiber is low-FODMAP it is both ideal for those with IBS and SIBO as well as everyone else. It allows us to help restore the microbiome of the colon without causing issues in the small intestine. It allows us to help restore the microbiome without the need for probiotics. Sensitive Gut Fiber allows us to help with both constipation and diarrhea issues.* In many instances, prebiotics and probiotics...

Why am I so constapted? - gut health, constipation, laxatives
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"Why can't you fix my constipation issues faster?" Here is the not-so-soft and very direct answer. If you trained your system to be slow and reinforced that over time then it is going to take time to re-train it. It took time for you to be this way and it will take time to reprogram your system to be independent. "Why do we need to take Motility (or Slow Motility+ protocol or Reflux + Motility protocol) for 90 days? Why do you suggest I continue to take Motility into the cleanup step after I'm regular?" We don't want you to...

How can artichoke leaf extract help the liver? - gut health, liver health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Its a fact: Motility uses a standardization of artichoke leaf extract that is easily 2 to 3 times stronger than traditional artichoke leaf extract. Is Motility extremely effective at helping with slow motility and constipation issues? YES.👍🏼 But is that ALL it does? NO. 🙅🏻♂️People ask us all the time if we help the liver. The answer is YES. The slow motility, reflux, and motility protocols all use Motility in more ample doses to support liver health. The liver is harmed by imbalances and a leaky gut. Bad bacteria passing through a leaky gut ultimately into the liver damages the...

4 types of cinnamon - gut health, insulin resistance
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Adding a little cinnamon to your diet daily is great. We mix a little in with our smoothies each morning. We prefer Ceylon Cinnamon. It can offer many health benefits. Frequently, we hear about how people use cinnamon to help address insulin resistance. While we use cinnamon and like cinnamon, we find it is only so-so at helping with blood sugar concerns. For us, it adds a nice flavor and added benefits when mixed in with our morning smoothies. It isn't very expensive. We like it, but we have not found it to be a game-changer for metabolic health. What...

7 types of magnesium - gut health, sleep, mood
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why do we like pairing Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium L-Threonate together? (1) Improved mood and help with stress.(2) Improved sleep. (3) Very tolerable. As adults, we take about 400 mg of magnesium glycinate per day. You may find this dose helps with mood. This dose also helps with restless legs, muscle recovery, stress, sleep, anxiety, etc. You can find many good brands of magnesium glycinate on Amazon or other places. As adults, we take 2 capsules of Magtein (Magnesium L-Threonate) per day with the magnesium glycinate. We take them at night. Magtein helps with focus, stress, mood, energy, and sleep....

5 signs of gut imbalances you don't know - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
❓️"What do I do to help my liver?" ✅️ Restore gut health. ❓️"I have bad skin problems. I need help with that." ✅️Restore gut health. ❓️"I feel like I am down. I struggle with anxiety and stress. What do you do for that?"✅️Stress Complex and restore gut health. I hated watching my grandparents go through Alzheimer's and dementia. Hated it. Broke my heart. I will do everything I can to avoid Alzheimer's and dementia. Gut health is connected to brain health. Gut health is connected to EVERYTHING health. You can't avoid it. You can't run from it. If your gut...

6 causes of toxic liver, kidney, & pancreas problems - gut health, probiotics, leaky gut
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"You don't understand. I don't have gut problems. I have NAFLD. What do I do for that?""You don't understand, I have kidney disease. I don't have gut health issues." "You don't understand. I have pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and can't produce enough enzymes." We understand. We spend a lot of time studying what causes liver, kidney, and pancreas problems. And not shockingly, gut imbalances (dysbiosis) and leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability) very directly affect other organs and cause other organ issues. So, given that dysbiosis and leaky gut are causing your issues, why do you think we suggest starting with gut...

Insulin resistance - gut health, weightloss
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Many, many people daily provide us with a list of gut issues and then they say, "And I can't lose weight no matter how hard I try!" Unfortunately and in complete disagreement with all the weight loss ads on social media, there are more than 3 keys to weight loss. There are a lot of keys to successful long-term weight loss:(1) Gut Health: Short-chain fatty acids, akkermansia, prevotella, f. prausnitizii, christensenella, leaky gut, dysbiosis, inflammation, etc.(2) Food addiction issues or the psychological relationship with food(3) Elevated cortisol (4) Low serotonin production(5) GLP-1(6) Insulin resistance(7) Leptin resistance(8) Ghrelin management (9) Exercise(10)...

Leptin Resistance - gut health, weightloss
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"Stop eating so much!" "Aren't you full yet?" "Burn more calories than you consume. That's the 'secret.'" "You need self-control." These kind of statements don't help. Forgive my direct approach, but if you have leptin resistance these statements aren't addressing the full problem. They are not helpful. People with leptin resistance wish they could control their eating. They would love to control their eating. But the drive to eat is real and insatiable. Have you ever met someone with bad leptin resistance? I have. I think I was one of these people. And I am working with several people on...

Weight loss - gut health, insulin resistance
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What are people talking about? "There are 3 simple secrets to weight loss!!! If you follow these 3 secrets you will magically be able to eat donuts again and not gain weight."After you watch the 3 hours of videos to learn the 3 simple secrets, you suddenly realize those 3 simple secrets aren't simple at all. "Eat healthy and exercise every day, burn more calories than you consume, and then POOF you will be skinny too!"Do you know how many people message us in a week to tell us they exercise and eat healthy but still can't lose that last...

A new twist to SIBO you don't know - gut health, leaky gut, bacteria overgrowth
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why are you so bloated and gassy with bacterial overgrowth problems? (1) Bad bacteria ferment fiber causing a lot of gas, which causes a lot of bloating(2) With bacteria overgrowth and leaky gut comes pancreas problems. The pancreas produces enzymes. When the pancreas has problems it produces fewer enzymes. Fewer enzymes to break down food causes major gas and bloating problems. (3) Bacteria overgrowth and stomach issues (like frequent reflux) overlap a lot. Stomach problems cause gas and bloating. Did you know that to help with bacteria overgrowth you also need to help with low stomach acid, H. pylori overgrowth,...

Signs of Enzyme Deficiency - gut health, bloating, gas, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Are your probiotics helping restore enzyme production or not? Let's start at the very beginning. 1️⃣ Probiotics are not all alike. There are reseeding strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. There are also environmental gut management strains like B. coagulans and S. boulardii. With Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains you are "reseeding" the gut with strains you may (or may not) be deficient in. Most of these strains do not easily survive digestion but still offer benefits even when dead. Environmental management strains naturally survive digestion and help restore balance and microbial diversity in the gut. These are two different approaches to...

Bad Skin Imbalances - gut health, candida, fungus
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
I grew up running back and forth between two large family cattle ranches (my mother and father's families had cattle ranches). We were always getting cut, scraped, burned, etc. I grew up coating everything in Neosporin®. The number of skin infections and irritations I had was too many to count. Now with 5 children of my own, we for sure (100%) have had our range of skin issues. For years (like 10+ years), our family has used a specific nano silver that is used in hospitals around the country for all sorts of skin issues. We use it for everything...

Signs of a sinus infection - gut health, immune support, allergies
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
My personal sinus infection history:I would get roughly 3 sinus infections annually for about 15 years. No joke. I would get a cold. The cold would linger for weeks and weeks. My sinuses would hurt. I would try Sudafed, Flonase, sinus rinses, sinus sprays, zinc, vitamin c, elderberry, etc. the whole time. The pressure would build and build. My head would hurt. The pressure in my face would kill. I would inevitably stop in to the doctor. He would verify that it had been more than 2 weeks to make sure it wasn't a virus. And then off I would...

Skin Issues: Signs of Candida - gut health, skin health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We love an inside-out approach to imbalances. But sometimes, you may need a topical response to these imbalances. That is why we are thrilled to introduce Nano Gel to pair with our Pathogen Protocol for all things candida overgrowth-related problems. Nano Gel works well. It works fast. If you have questions or would like more information, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Balancing cortisol during menopause - gut health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Menopause can be a stressful season of life, and this can be linked to not just estrogen fluctuation, but also cortisol levels. Fluctuations in estrogen can increase cortisol release, but also cortisol increases can lower estrogen production. These fluctuations can lead to emotional stress, sleep disturbances, weight gain, fatigue, and skin issues. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to support women during menopause. 1. Supporting the estrobolome: the gut and estrogen have a bidirectional called the 'estrobolome'. Specific prebiotics and probiotics can be used to help the gut recycle estrogen back into the body. Plus, a healthy gut is...

A Complete Guide to IBS - gut health, stress, inflammation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Irritable Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be overwhelming, impacting every aspect oflife, including a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and energetic well-being. Here are effective strategies to help those dealing with IBS find relief and support.Key areas affecting those with IBS: the gut the vagus nerve/gut-brain axis chronic inflammation stressThe Gut: This refers to the gastrointestinal tract, where IBS primarily manifests. Factors such as gut health- pain, discomfort, digestion, absorption; gut microbiota composition-overgrowth/imbalance, infections; and gut motility are central to understanding and managing IBS. The Vagus Nerve: The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating digestion and influencing gut-brain communication....

Bad sinus issues - gut health, immune system
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Sinus problems anyone? When bad stuff sits, multiplies, and builds in your sinuses you have a problem. Here's my sinus infection history:I had between 1 and 3 sinus infections annually for about 15 years or so. No joke. I would get a cold. The cold would linger for weeks and weeks. My sinuses would hurt. I would try Sudafed, Flonase, sinus rinses, sinus sprays, zinc, vitamin C, elderberry, etc. the whole time. The pressure would build and build. My head would hurt. The pressure on my face would kill me. I would inevitably stop by the doctor. He would verify...

Nano Scrub, Ultimate toxin binder - gut health, candida, parasite, AG4O4
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
To fully pull apart bad stuff that may be residing in your system, you do not need a parasite cleanse, candida cleanse, mold cleanse, bacteria overgrowth cleanse, etc. You may only need Nano Scrub. It helps pull all of those apart.* I remember when we first started looking at silver. I was very much, "I will never use any kind of silver...let alone allow my kids to use it." Have you read all the bad stuff on Silver online? Pretty scary. I concluded that all silver was the same, all silver should be avoided, and all silver was harmful to...

Treatment for autoimmune disease & food alleriges - gut health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What causes Treg dysfunction, suppression, or imbalances? Dysbiosis! (gut imbalances)What can one do to fix Treg dysfunction and suppression? 🧹Clean the gut really well (this should also strengthen the gut barrier). By restoring microbial balance you can help Treg dysfunction and suppression issues. 💪🏼Build the gut - Increasing bacteria populations that produce a lot of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) is key to Treg production. SCFAs induce Treg cells. 🍅Eat a clean diet. Eating unhealthily affects Treg development and function. 😴Get plenty of rest. People with sleep problems suppress Treg activity. ☀️Higher levels of Vitamin D are shown to help with...

Utlimate Gut Scrubber - gut health, pathogens, gut clean up
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
I have a secret that most miss. The secret may determine if you scrub away bad stuff in your system.If you pay attention to the instructions for Nano Scrub, you may find that it is helpful to rinse Nano Scrub in your mouth for about 10 to 20 seconds before swallowing. Why? Because this may allow Nano Scrub to enter into your entire system to help clean it all up.* If you have a very "permeable" gut barrier then you know that pathogens may leave the intestinal system and enter into the rest of your body to help with "escaped...

Signs of seasonal allergies - gut helath, microbiome, nasal microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
I grew up on two large cattle ranches. We grew hay, grass, barley, corn, etc. My hay fever was so bad I had to get allergy shots every Wednesday. Though the allergy shots eventually stopped, my hay fever did not. I did not have a good way to clear out everything causing me problems. And I tried just about everything. Now I use Nano Spray. Like many of you, we originally did NOT feel comfortable with using silver. Frankly speaking, if you look online there is some scary stuff on silver. We thought, "We would never allow our kids to...

How to support immune balance - gut health, immune support
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
An 'overactive' immune response typically refers to people with allergies and/or autoimmune conditions. In the science world, we refer to this as Th1/Th2 imbalance. Th1 dominance is correlated with autoimmunity, while Th2 dominance is correlated with allergies. How does this happen?The truth is, we live in a hyper-sanitized world and we don't get outside enough. This means our immune system doesn't get enough exposure to different microbes and never gets the chance to become strong. Instead, the immune system becomes hyperreactive - it thinks everything is a threat!Processed foods, genetic predisposition, lack of movement, and not enough sunshine and fresh...

Two arms of immunity and why it matters! - gut health, adaptive & innate immune system
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
The immune system consists of two arms: innate and adaptive. The innate immune system is the first line of defense and initiates the entire immune process. It includes anatomic (skin and mucous membrane), physiologic (temperature, low pH and chemical mediators), phagocytic, and inflammatory components. The innate arm is amazing at recognizing intruders quickly and alerting the adaptive immune response, all while launching its own attack. The adaptive arm can't tell "self" from "non-self" so it needs the innate immune system to tell it when and how to act. The innate immune response can be a little dramatic and inflammatory, so...