Creatine, does it bust belly fat? - gut health, supplements
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are a lot of ads on social media suggesting that creatine will "bust belly fat." Apparently, if you take a 99.9999% pure creatine over a 99.9% creatine that is the game changer. So...fact or fiction? I do like creatine monohydrate. I can find a lot of verified benefits from taking it. I think it has more research on it than protein powder. But, I have never found it to demonstrate any noticeable difference in belly fat. So, what does the science say?Creatine may lower blood sugar. I would not suggest it is a top 50 ingredient for helping lower...

Steroids commony used for asthma & allergies - gut health, immune health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Cause for concern or not? They do not know if the consequences are reversible or not. But the general guiding statement seems to be: MAY NOT BE A CAUSE FOR CONCERN. MORE RESEARCH IS NEEDED.THE RESULTS SHOULD NOT CAUSE CONCERN. WHEN PEOPLE STOP TAKING THE STEROIDS THE BRAIN APPEARS TO RECOVER. What do we think? We think it is very wise to work on improving the immune system via restoring gut health and other measures so that long-term use of oral and inhaled steroids may not be needed. We agree with the statements in this article that, like many drugs,...

Pattern of low stomach acid in basic blood work - gut health, stomach acid
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
5 Signs (Blood Markers) You Have Low Stomach AcidHello. My name is Anna. As a Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist, I love blood work, it can be used to make sense of what is going on in your body and as we search for patterns, we can reveal so much. In this case, a pattern for low stomach acid. We can find these 5 markers on the basic comprehensive metabolic panel. This panel is the most ordered panel worldwide, yet it is not used to its potential. These markers help us to explore the possibility of low stomach acid, which is...

B Cells help stop viruses - gut health, postbiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you are looking to fight all the many viruses floating around, you don't want to miss B Cells. "B cells play a fundamental role in the prevention of and recovery from COVID-19.""B lymphocytes in COVID-19: a tale of harmony and discordance"National Library of MedicineAnd yes, we are working to help with the activation of B Cells via postbiotics. Why? Well, we are also tired of our kids staying home from school sick! We are fighting for fewer sick days and less intense colds and flu episodes. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Killer T Cells - gut health, postbiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Do you want to boost immunity against different COVID variants and other viruses? Increase Killer T Cells.Many people who do not respond well to viruses and such have Killer T Cells that have fallen asleep. They need to be awakened. Yes, you can activate Killer T Cell production. We are exploring postbiotics for it right now. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Natural Killer Cells (NK cells) - gut health, postbiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Did you know that certain postbiotics activate the production of NK cells? These postbiotics are currently being tested for application against COVID. Silver Fern™ is actively looking to improve our response to sicknesses and colds. This postbiotic may be key to that effort. With five kids, we are very interested in anything that will help reduce "sick days." What about you?

Constipation problems? - gut health, bloating, gas, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Tired of living on laxatives? For many years we have been working to develop one product to help people become regular again without the use of laxatives. We also wanted it to offer a lot of additional gut benefits. And we wanted a clean, simple, and effective product (always). Motility is this product. It helps turn the system back on again. On average it takes 15 to 30 days to help start turning the system on for people. For some, it takes only a few days and for some with really stubborn systems, it takes longer than 30 days. But...

Laxatives contribute to the problem - gut health, constipation, laxatives, motility
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why not just load up on laxatives forever? Good question. Because it may result in the intestines losing muscle and nerve response, making the intestines dilated and ineffective at moving stool out. This may cause a dependency issue resulting in you needing higher and higher doses of laxatives to produce stools. "Recent studies have revealed gut dysbiosis after laxative administration." "Association between early life laxative exposure and risk of allergic diseases A nationwide matched cohort study." ScienceDirectLaxatives flush out beneficial binders (immunoglobulins) shown to bind to pathogens to help with the clean-up process. Why do you think we don't have...

Vaccine news - health, vaccines
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Without jumping into the heated debate for or against vaccines, these are some of the updates on the COVID-19 vaccines. We hear a lot from customers about issues they have had since being vaccinated. The research supporting all of these problems is almost non-existent. So, have you had issues after taking the vaccines? If you have any questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Standard constipation responses - gut health, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We don't want to discount the suggestions of more fiber, liquid, and exercise (because we also recommend those)BUT...What do you do if those things aren't working and you DON'T want to use laxatives? What do you do then? The answer is Motility. After about 4 years of focusing on the research and development of ideas specific to improving our processes for helping with constipation and slow motility issues, Silver Fern™ finally found a combination of non-laxative ingredients that work extremely well together in one product with noticeable improvements in 15 to 30 days (on average for most people). Believe it...

The many causes of reflux & heartburn - gut health, acid blockers
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Getting beyond blocking, inhibiting, and restricting acid for reflux and heartburn requires a little understanding and a change of approach. ❓️Why do you have reflux and heartburn?🔹Whenever there is pressure and volume in the abdomen it can weaken or relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). 🔹Whenever you have poor digestion, it can weaken or relax the LES. 🔹When your LES weakens or relaxes enough it lets acid pass. Only in rare circumstances does too much acid cause reflux and heartburn (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome). You are more likely to have too little stomach acid, which is caused by things such as gastritis,...

Stomach flu - gut health, immunoglobulins
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Guess what binds to viruses in the digestive system to reduce inflammation? Antibodies (immunoglobulins). In the event you ever get the stomach flu, load up on antibodies (immunoglobulins). It very well may help you a lot. Hope this helps!!! If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

6 signs your immune system is weak - gut health, postbiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We have a child that comes home sick all the time. She touches everything. She touches her face any chance she gets. And she gets every virus that comes near her school. She absorbs them like a sponge. As you know, the immune system is about 70 to 80% found in the gut. The gut is 100% key to helping address the immune system. Our daughter has amazing gut health. Because of that, she is never sick for long. But wouldn't it be nice to knock the sickness down before it shows up? Wouldn't it be nice to hit the...

What is your gut cleanup doing for you? - gut health, detox, parasites, probiotics, prebiotics, cleanse
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You either do a gut cleanup right or it may be a waste of money. You either do a gut cleanup right or you will have lingering issues. Did you know that bacterial imbalances and candida overgrowth are linked? Did you know that parasites and candida overgrowth may go hand-in-hand? Did you know that parasites may cause bacterial imbalances? The fact is, if you are going to try to help clean up one issue you need to try to clean them all up. Otherwise, back to the start, you will go. We have spent years working to build the most...

Where did your gut issues start? - gut health, antibiotics, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Yes, antibiotics may be necessary from time to time. I suggest they are used way too often, but they may be needed for certain infections.What do you do if you have to take antibiotics? We get asked that a lot. When left unmanaged, antibiotics for bacteria issues can result in candida overgrowth (for example). Antibiotics can cause major imbalance issues in the gut. We've got you covered. Our Rehab Protocol is for just such times. If you'd like our approach to helping prevent major imbalances caused by antibiotics during or after use, DM us #Rehab. Note: Please take the probiotics...

Do you have a candida overgrowth? - gut health, gut cleanup, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You may say we specialize in cleaning up the gut. Why are we so good at it? (1) We assume you have all imbalances and then try to help them all. The truth is that they all frequently overlap. Hint: Candida overgrowth and parasites can go hand in hand. It is best to assume that even parasite issues need to be cleaned out too. (2) We take an aggressive breakdown/soak-up approach to pathogen overgrowth. (3) We assume pathogens have "permeated" into the rest of the body. Hint: Please rinse the Nano Ag4O4 product for 10 to 20 seconds before swallowing....

Ashwagandha, friend or foe? - gut health, motlity, autoimmune
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Ashwagandha "balances" the immune system. It modulates it. Modulate is defined as reducing or enhancing (balancing effect). Ashwagandha "...promotes immunomodulatory effects..." Ashwagandha does not stimulate or boost the immune system. We are extremely aware that many medical groups say that ashwagandha may cause your immune system to be more active by "boosting" or "stimulating" it. Here's our response:1️⃣ Ashwagandha helps reduce inflammation. That's the science. 2️⃣ Ashwagandha modulates the immune system. This means it "reduces" or "enhances" (balances) the immune system. It isn't boosting or stimulating it. 3️⃣ Not all extracts are the same. Not even close. The ashwagandha extract...

Bacterial overgrwoth - gut health, candida, SIBO, hpylori, IBS
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
How has partial working on your gut issues worked? We find this approach does not work for many. The fact is that stomach and gut issues are connected. Many approaches to digestive imbalances take a "scorched earth" approach. Kill everything bad and move on. Here's the problem with this approach. It does not address most of the underlying causes of why you got there in the first place. You will most likely be back to where you were in about a year or so (maybe sooner). The "scorched earth" approach is cheap though. It works fast. It is super effective...

Gastritis Problems? - gut health, h. pylori, detox, gut cleanup
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
When in doubt, assume it is all a problem and then help it all. We frequently see gastritis issues with reflux and heartburn. For this reason, we suggest a full approach to stomach issues. Step 1- Slow motility + protocolThis may help:🔹Restore the stomach barrier*🔹Improve stomach motility*🔹Restore healthy inflammatory responses*🔹Restore healthy immune responses*Step 2- Cleanup protocolThis may help:🔹Clean out imbalances such as H. pylori overgrowth*Note: Please open capsules of Cleanse for this process to coat the entire stomach. 🔹Restore healthy inflammatory responses*🔹Restore healthy immune responses*Step 3- (optional)Buildup protocol The buildup may help:🔹Restore microbial balance*🔹Restore gut barrier integrity*🔹Restore healthy inflammatory responses*🔹Restore...

Bacterial overgrowth: a small intestine problem - gut health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
How have partial efforts to help with your gut issues worked? We find this approach does not work for many. ❌️The fact is that stomach and gut issues are connected. Many approaches to digestive imbalances take a "scorched earth" approach. Kill everything and move on. Here's the problem with this approach. It does not address most of the underlying causes of why you got where you did in the first place. You will most likely be back to where you were in about a year or so (maybe less time). The "scorched earth" approach is cheap though. It works fast....

The ulitmate binder: Cleanse - gut health, immunoglobulins, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Ultimate Binder? Yes, the ULTIMATE pathogen binder. Cleanse is "the" dairy-free pathogen binder that does not bind to beneficial bacteria. It helps improve the nutrient absorption of other supplements. Other binders may reduce nutrient absorption. Other binders may affect the absorption of medications. Other binders may bind to beneficial bacteria. Not Cleanse. It only binds to the bad stuff. Cleanse contains both immunoglobulins and albumin for antigen (pathogen) and heavy metal binding actions. Multiple research studies have proven the binding action of the immunoglobulins in Cleanse.* Cleanse binds to pathogens. Pathogens then follow normal peristalsis (intestinal flow so to speak)...

2 keys to a complete gut cleanup - gut health, pathogens, IBS, SIBO, candida
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There is a full cleanup and then there is a "so-so" cleanup. Which one do you want? The Silver Fern™ approach assumes pathogens are entrenched in your system (defenses are built up). The Silver Fern™ approach assumes you may have imbalances of all kinds in the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The Silver Fern™ approach combines an aggressive unraveling mechanism (against pathogens only) with a complete binder shown to bind everything from bad bacteria, candida, and mold to heavy metals. Once the system is cleaned up, we suggest a full gut buildup process right after. Pathogens don't thrive in...

The utlimate binder - gut health, detox, IgG, albumin
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Ultimate Binder? Yes, the ULTIMATE pathogen binder. Cleanse is "the" dairy-free pathogen binder that does not bind to beneficial bacteria. It helps improve the nutrient absorption of other supplements. Other binders may reduce nutrient absorption. Other binders may affect the absorption of medications. Other binders may bind to beneficial bacteria. Not Cleanse. It only binds to the bad stuff. Cleanse contains both immunoglobulins and albumin for antigen (pathogen) and heavy metal binding actions. Multiple research studies have proven the binding action of the immunoglobulins in Cleanse.* Cleanse binds to pathogens. Pathogens then follow normal peristalsis to exit the intestinal tract....

Long-term help with constipation - gut health, laxatives, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Motility is our laxative-free response to constipation issues. It works by way of 5 functions:*1) Turning on peristalsis*2) Hydration*3) Improving gut barrier*4) Increasing serotonin production*5) Restoring a healthy stress response in the system* Beyond that, it is beneficial to help with the underlying issues that may have caused peristalsis to slow down in the first place: dysbiosis, gut barrier dysfunction, inflammation, low butyrate production, dysfunctional enteric nervous system, dysfunctional vagus nerve, etc. Here is our approach to gut health starting with slow motility issues: Step 1 -Establish motility, open detox pathways, help gut barrier, etc. *Step 2 -Clean up the...

6 keys to stopping constipation problems - gut health, digestion, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Motility is our most effective, complete, and aggressive non-laxative approach to constipation and slow motility problems that we have ever launched. There are a lot of underlying causes of chronic constipation:1) Dysbiosis (gut imbalances)2) Leaky Gut3) Inflammation4) Malfunctioning Immune System5) Low Butyrate Production6) Autonomic Dysfunction7) Etc. Therefore, if you are looking for long-term gut health to promote the BEST regularity, you really should consider following up with an effective and complete gut health protocol once your system starts to turn on again. We are talking about a 3-step process.Step 1 - Establish regularity and open detox pathwaysStep 2 - Clean...

New approach to constipation problems - gut health, bloating, laxative free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We have been looking for an effective response to constipation problems for a long time. We looked and looked and looked. We tested and tested and tested. Motility contains the most effective combination of ingredients we are aware of for helping with the underlying issues causing slow motility (constipation) problems without using laxatives.*Motility is not a laxative. Please give it 15 to 30 days on average to start working. If you have bad constipation or slow motility issues, under "Product Options" please select the "Moderate to Severe" option. You can take all 4 capsules at the same time or take...

Sensitive Gut Fiber for contsipation issues - gut health, fiber, motility, laxative free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
As a company, we spend a lot of time helping with constipation issues. A lot of time. We prefer a laxative-free approach. We don't sell laxatives. If a person does not have gastroparesis/slow gastric emptying, increasing beneficial fiber shown to help with constipation issues may be key to the process. (Note: Anyone with slow gastric emptying needs to avoid fiber until they have improved gastric emptying.) Many of our customers have SIBO-C, IBS-C, SIBO-M, or IBS-M. In these instances, they need a tolerable fiber to help them. Sensitive Gut Fiber is the answer to that. Yes, Sensitive Gut Fiber also...

6 steps to restoring regularity - gut health, constipation, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Motility is our laxative-free response to constipation problems. Motility does NOT contain magnesium, aloe vera, senna, cascara, etc.❌️ What it does contain is a unique type of artichoke leaf extract, okra, and winter cherry to help with the keys to establishing motility again (help with constipation and other slow motility issues). It is a very effective alternative to laxatives.*Motility is not a laxative. Please give it 15 to 30 days on average to start working. If you have bad constipation or slow motility issues, under Product Options please select the "Moderate to Severe" option. You can take all 4 capsules...

Helping restore regularity - gut health, constipation, bloating, laxative-free
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you are looking for a stand-alone response to constipation problems, look no further than Motility. Motility contains the most effective combination of ingredients we are aware of for helping with the underlying issues causing slow motility (constipation) problems. Motility is not a laxative. Please give it 15 to 30 days on average to start working. If you have bad constipation or slow motility issues, under "Product Options" please select the "Moderate to Severe" option. You can take all 4 capsules at the same time or take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules later in the day. Many...

Digestive Enyzmes help with building muscle- gut health, protein, digestive enzymes
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Believe it or not, loading up on more protein may not be as effective as taking the right enzymes with the protein you are eating so that you absorb more of it. In the past, I have posted on keys to protein absorption. Gastric juices (produced by a healthy stomach barrier) are key to protein digestion. Many people have too little and not too much stomach acid or gastric juices. With this comes a deficiency in enzymes to break down protein. Due to the translocation of pathogens from the digestive system to the pancreas (via leaky gut or increased intestinal...

Low stomach acid - gut health, acid blockers, reflux, heartburn
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Let's jump to the chase. How do you help low stomach acid (reflux, heartburn, gastritis, etc.) without using meds to block, restrict, or inhibit acid? Simple!(1) You build the stomach barrier to protect against acid and to help with stomach acid (gastric juices that include HCL) production. (2) You improve motility to help the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) and allow for normal acidity of the stomach. (3) Clean out any H. pylori that may be present in the stomach. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Indigestion symptoms - gut health, reflux, heartburn, acid blockers
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You: I want to get rid of my indigestion! Make it go away. Me: As long as you don't have a bad hiatal hernia, we have you covered. Step 1: 90 days(1) Build the Stomach Barrier(2) Improve Gastric Emptying (Improve Motility)For Step 1 DM us #Reflux + Motility on Instagram @silverfernbrand. If you have bad reflux/heartburn problems, please choose the moderate to severe option under Product Options. Please reference the product page (Reflux + Motility Tips) for how to address easing off acid blockers. The best way to purchase and save is to buy subscribe and save. This will ensure...

Reflux & Heartburn - gut health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Do you know what causes too much stomach acid? Very few things. (1) ZES (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome)(2) Gastric Outlet Obstruction(3) Chronic Kidney FailureIf you don't have these issues, you are not helping reflux and heartburn issues by blocking, inhibiting, or restricting acid. Acid blockers work fast and are a great "band-aid" approach to reflux and heartburn, but you are not helping anything. To help with reflux and heartburn issues you need to do 3 things:(1) Strengthen the stomach barrier. This will both protect against acid and help secrete acid. This process also helps restore healthy inflammatory responses. (2) Improve gastric emptying....

Why an effective kids probiotic? - gut health, probiotics, kids health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Building a child's gut is key to their overall health. Like many of you, we have children. We wanted our children to have the best gut health possible. So, we had a renowned microbiologist formulate our Kids Probiotic. When he was formulating the Kids Probiotic we asked him to formulate what he had his children taking every day.Kids Probiotic is a bit different than traditional probiotics you might see elsewhere. Instead of loading a child up with a few strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, we wanted a probiotic to help drive out pathogens AND increase a lot of beneficial bacteria...

Kids probiotics - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There is a small disconnect in the world of probiotics. Pediatricians recommend children get probiotics from their food vs. supplements. This advice would be brilliant if probiotic strains found in most food didn't die from the high acidity of the stomach. "Such high acidity due to secreted gastric acid kills probiotic strains as well as gastric commensal microbes. Therefore, the application of probiotics to the stomach or proximal small intestine has historically been considered impractical.""Microbiota in the stomach and application of probiotics to gastroduodenal diseases" National Library of Medicine Do you know what strains do survive the harsh acid, temperature,...

Why should you worry about akkermansia? - gut health, prebiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Akkermansia is incredibly popular. It is the new "Shining Star of the Gut Flora." ("Health an Disease: Akkermansia muciniphila, the Shining Star of the Gut Flora" PubMed Central®) But why? Because it is shown to help with many conditions that I cannot mention in a post with a product name. Those are the rules. 🤷🏻♂️ If you research Akkermansia you will find it is a very key bacteria for so much more than gut health. What I can say is that if you are looking to improve gut health to help the metabolism, the gut barrier, aging, and mental health,...

The gut is critical for weight management - gut health, micrlobiome, weight loss
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Me: The gut is a critical component of long-term weight management. You: But I see skinny people drinking diet soda and loading up on artificially sweetened supplements all over the place. Those are supposed to be bad for the gut, right? How are they skinny? Me: A person with great genetics who counts macros and exercises three hours a day six days a week is going to be lean. People that are that dedicated are going to be lean. Hard work pays off. The rest of us, however, may need to account for the fact that the microbiome does play...

Why does building your gut up completely matter? - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
⚠️The key to gut health is not loading your gut up with a few key Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains daily.⚠️The secret to gut health is significantly increasing the abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus along with many other key bacteria types not commonly found in your regular probiotics. When you combine the right gut management probiotics with the right prebiotics, you can significantly increase a huge range of beneficial bacteria and compounds shown to improve gut health (and full body health). If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

3 common misunderstandings with supplements - gut health, dose, quality
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
After working with thousands of people, here are the 3 most common misunderstandings we see with supplements:⏲️ TIME: Most research studies done on supplements say they need 8 to 12 weeks to work, NOT 30 DAYS. Most people will quit taking a supplement in the first 30 days if they don't notice it working. I had to train myself to give products the time needed to work per the research studies and trust the process. It just takes time.🔍️STANDARDIZATION: We are all trained to look for specific ingredient names on labels. While that is a good place to start, ingredients...

Signs of leaky gut - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
News Flash. ⚡️If you have gut issues like constipation and diarrhea, bloating and gas, autoimmune issues, allergies, etc. you have some degree of leaky gut (or increased intestinal permeability). It may not be bad, but you likely have it. I find it interesting that for something that doesn't exist (per the medical community), there is ample research on it and what it does. We feel very strongly that to help with a leaky gut you have to do more than just strengthen the gut barrier. You need to clear out the pathogens that are tearing it down. Your approach for...

Utlimate Toxin binder IgG and Albumin - gut health, heavy metals, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There is only one ultimate binder that binds to both heavy metals and pathogens without binding to all of your nutrients, meds, etc. ❌️It isn't activated charcoal. ❌️It isn't colostrum. The answer is IgG + Albumin. Combining a high concentration of IgG (with IgA and IgM) with Albumin is the ultimate binding combination for an intestinal cleanup. Albumin is a protein found in plasma. There are many benefits to albumin in your blood. When you consume albumin it stays in digestion to act as a binder. You have asked for many years about whether or not we help with heavy...

Precision prebiotics increase post bioitcs - gut health, fiber, FODMAP
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are many prebiotic fiber options. But do they do ALL of this? Sensitive Gut Fiber is for those who:🔹struggle with fiber. Maybe fiber makes you bloat? Sensitive Gut Fiber is low FODMAP and friendly for those with SIBO and IBS.* 🔹struggle with constipation and diarrhea. (Yes, it helps with both, especially at 2 scoops or more per day.)*🔹are concerned with unhealthy elevated inflammatory responses, leaky gut, and cholesterol problems.* 🔹are looking to increase postbiotics.*🔹are looking for a prebiotic to help build key bacteria to promote healthy weight loss.*🔹are looking to increase a wide range of beneficial bacteria beyond Lactobacillus...

Asthma, an immune system problem - gut health, leaky gut, allergies
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Where did your asthma come from? (check slide 2)What causes it to go crazy? (anything that hurts the gut)What do you do about it? I think it is very safe to say that poor gut health (whether you know it or not and whether you feel like you have poor gut health or not) affects the immune system, which in turn causes asthma and allergy issues. Stress, poor diet, irritants, allergies, infections, viruses (cold/flu/CO*ID), and gut issues can all cause asthma problems. What is the answer? 1) Clean up the gut.2) Strengthen the gut barrier 3) Decrease inflammatory processes. 4)...

Signs of Eczema - gut health, gut-skin axis
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You may be familiar with leaky gut. Did you know you can also have "leaky skin?" Eczema is a 4 part problem:1) Immune system issue2) Skin barrier issue (leaky skin)3) Allergies and/or asthma (immune system issue) 4) Elevated stress/cortisol (which suppresses the immune system and increases inflammation causing eczema to worsen)When the immune system is malfunctioning a lot of problems surface. Eczema issues are one of them. Having been someone with a bad immune system myself, I know for a fact how nice it is to have these issues "helped." I no longer have to worry every time my kids...

Stress Complex - mental health, stress, anxiety, mood, sleep
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Does anyone else struggle with irritability? You know what I am talking about. I am talking about those days you just want to hit a co-worker or smash your car into the person driving 15 miles under the speed limit in the fast lane. You know who you are. Maybe you get a little too anxious about being late somewhere and freak out. Maybe you wish your weird neighbor would agree to a UFC-style fight to "resolve things?" Does this sound familiar to anyone? If you are a "passionate" person, hear me out. You may be able to take that...

Saffron, antidepressants and libido - mental health, depression, anxiety
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Antidepressants do come with side effects (dang it). Saffron may help with some of these side effects. At least the science and what we found in our pre-launch product testing suggests that saffron does. Not all saffron quality is the same. Just FYI. But for those on antidepressants looking to get their system back online while taking antidepressants, you may want to consider talking with your provider about it or even doing some research on your own. If you want our approach to helping with stress or have questions, please send us a DM with #Stress on Instagram @silverfernbrand.Yes, the...

Improving gut health through exercise - gut health, leaky gut, nutrient absorption
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Intense and prolonged exercise can negatively impact gut lining integrity (leaky gut) and the microbiome. Here's the key. Moderate exercise is great for the gut. If you are doing intense and rigorous exercise regularly you may very well need a very good gut health protocol to pair it with, That's just the science. Here is another thought:Heavy exercise requires good nutrient absorption for rebuilding muscle. Poor gut health (weak/damaged mucosal barrier in the small intestine) causes poor nutrient absorption. Wouldn't you want to pair a science-based gut build-up protocol with your exercise and healthy diet to make all those nutrients...

Did you know ADHD & depression overlap? - saffron, mental health, mood
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
I and a couple of my children have attention-deficit/focus issues. We also struggle a bit with depression. When I load up on saffron (30 mg), l-theanine (100 mg), and caffeine (200 mg) I get hours and hours (like 8 hours) of focused work. My mood perks up immediately.I have a dosing for my children too. This is my combination for stress, decreased mood, and focus. It works. And in about 6-8 weeks the saffron kicks in causing really good mood benefits. If you want our approach to helping with stress or have questions, please send us a DM with #Stress on...

Side effects of antidepressants - gut health, mood, depression, saffron
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Did you know...Saffron (specifically a high-quality saffron) can be taken with antidepressants to decrease the side effects of antidepressants? True. Further, pairing saffron with antidepressants can help with sleep, initiative/motivation, interest, and pleasure. Meaning, for a man this may help with ED, and for both men and women saffron may help with achieving orgasm. And for those of you not on antidepressants and not looking to take antidepressants, saffron may be an alternative similar to Prozac w/o the side effects. Meaning, high-quality saffron has been shown to have comparable benefits to Fluoxetine (Prozac) for depression. Now to be fair, I...

Benefits of boosting serotonin - gut health, mood
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you are unhappy and you know it, boost serotonin. If you have already tried everything you can to boost your mood but just can't feel better, take the right type of saffron (literally). No, not all saffron extracts are the same. Not even close (we tested many variations).Saffron changes levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine (neurotransmitters) all of which affect how you feel. Do you have attention deficit issues? I do. I love saffron with caffeine and l-theanine. Do you feel down? Saffron is amazing. Do you not sleep well? Saffron is amazing (60 mg per day). Do you...