Bloating is miserable, we can help - gut health, constipation, probiotics, cleanse

How uncomfortable is it going from a flat stomach to looking 6 months pregnant in one afternoon?
Absolutely miserable.
We approach bloating issues differently.
We know we must hit many different possible causes. We know not everyone is the same, so the protocols are not all the same. We know we must hit all the causes in the right order. We know that we need to hit them aggressively. We know we need to hit them completely.
We don’t start with probiotics (those come later when the gut is ready for them but not before), even if the clinical data for certain strains say that they work well. Experience says, “That’s not the best starting point. There are much more effective places to start.”
Whether severe bloating has been attached to a “name” (cause) or not, we have the same protocols for all severe/chronic bloating issues, and they work well. We prepare the gut for a high dose of Cleanse, followed by continuing Cleanse at a maintenance dose and adding in the Ultimate Probiotic to address food problems (because food avoidance is not sustainable). Cleanse is NOT a laxative. It is an immunoglobulin concentrate and the best friend for someone with severe bloating issues if taken at the right time, in the right doses, over the right period of time.
Here’s the plan:
Step 1 – Help Address Motility Issues and Start Clean Up
Step 2 – Aggressively Help Clean Out (Really Aggressively) Gut Issues
Step 3 – Microbiome Build Up and Build Out
Bloating issues? Let us know. We will send over our suggestions.
(NOTE: I (Phil), personally go big on my protocols because severe/chronic bloating issues require it. But for someone fed up with the issues this is the place to be.)

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