Probiotisc and leaky gut - gut health

Back in the day, before we started Silver Fern™, I thought the success of a probiotic was all about the CFU count and the list of strains. More is better, right? Wrong!

Here’s what a microbiologist actually looks for to gauge a probiotic’s effectiveness:

1) Does it restore microbial balance?
2) Does it boost microbial diversity?
3) Does it reduce leaky gut symptoms (like inflammation caused by high LPS levels)?
4) Does it lower inflammation and its markers?
5) Does it support a healthy immune system?
6) Are the strains naturally resilient enough to survive digestion and improve gut health?

These questions were my first big lesson from our microbiologist. I learned that a high-quality probiotic is designed to prevent gut issues, which are much harder to fix once they’ve set in.

And from his expertise, an amazing probiotic was born.

If you want to know more about the final formula he developed and where to get it, please take our 5-second quiz to find out where to start. We will NOT collect your email or contact information. It’s the fastest quiz you’ll take.

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