Weight loss science

“In order to lose weight, you need to eat more frequently throughout the day!” ⁠
My personal problem with eating all day is that I can’t remember to do it, and I don’t have time each day to eat constantly. So, I thought I would investigate the science of this belief. ⁠
Where did this idea come from? Culture and early studies. ⁠
What are the beliefs behind small meals spread out throughout the day?⁠
• Prevents overeating⁠
• Stabilizes blood sugar⁠
• Improves body composition and increases the metabolism⁠
• Helps a person feel full more often⁠
• Keeps energy up throughout the day⁠
“While a few studies support these recommendations, others show no significant benefit. In fact, some research suggests it may be more beneficial to stick with three larger meals.”⁠
“When prioritizing total daily calorie intake, limited evidence suggests that, in athletes, a higher meal frequency may increase performance, support fat loss, and improve body composition.”⁠
References: ⁠

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