Effectively addressing IBS-D issues with immunoglobulins - gut health, diarrhea, bloating, gas, inflammation

How do you effectively address IBS-D? Immunoglobulins⁠
What are the results of using immunoglobulins for IBS? ⁠
“…overall improvement in symptoms with better stool consistency, decreased frequency as well as reductions in abdominal pain, bloating, distention, and incontinence.”⁠
Who shouldn’t load up on immunoglobulins? Someone with IBS-C or constipation. For these people immunoglobulins are step 2 after addressing motility issues.⁠
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What are the side effects?⁠
"The most commonly reported adverse effects of oral Ig therapy include mild nausea, constipation, stomach cramps, headache, and increased urination. The incidence of these has been seen in 2–5% of clinical studies of SBI (B Burnett, EnteraHealth, personal communication, 2016; J Marc Rhoads, unpublished results, 2016)."⁠
How does one address the side effects? ⁠
⬇️ Reduce the dosing of immunoglobulins (temporarily), ⁠
🚰 Drink more water⁠
🏃🏻‍♂️ Be more active⁠
The side effects will subside. ⁠
Why are there side effects? Immunoglobulins bind to toxins to eliminate them. This changes the toxins' size and shape making them so they can’t flow through a damaged gut lining (which helps reduce inflammatory issues). ⁠
What’s the suggested dosing?⁠
10 grams per day for 10 days and 5 grams per day for 6 weeks.⁠
What do I personally see work best?⁠
8 grams per day for the first month, 4 grams per day for the second month, and then 2 grams per day with spore-forming probiotics for 4 to 6 months. This will not only help with the diarrhea but also with food intolerances, bloating, immune system issues, inflammatory issues, etc. ⁠
Either way, these are aggressive doses of immunoglobulins. Small efforts won't resolve huge underlying issues. ⁠

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