A healthy gut environment-immune system, digestion, probiotics, gut health, short-chain fatty acids

A healthy gut environment-immune system, digestion, probiotics, gut health, short-chain fatty acids

A healthy gut environment is essential for human health!⁠⁠Without it, we put ourselves at risk for disease.⁠⁠Our gut is almost as important as our brain. In fact, we call it our second brain!⁠⁠In order to have a healthy gut environment, we need to:⁠✅ Have a healthy diet⁠✅ Minimize prescription drugs. The more you have, the more drug interactions.⁠✅ Regulate our hormones⁠✅ Be free of infections⁠✅ Follow a healthy lifestyle and create healthy behaviors that are reflective of our unique DNA blueprint 🧬

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Addressing SIBO at the root cause can make a drastic difference-stomach acid, slow digestion, probiotics, immunoglobulins, gut health

Addressing SIBO at the root cause can make a drastic difference-stomach acid, slow digestion, probiotics, immunoglobulins, gut health

SIBO is a situation we get asked about daily. These steps are the way to knock out SIBO for good. Most people only address the bacteria overgrowth and miss what’s causing the bacteria overgrowth in the first place (low stomach acid and slow motility/dysmotility).⁠.⁠When circumstances (bacteria imbalances, medications,⁠stress, diet, etc.) “…slows the passage of food and waste products in the digestive tract, creating a breeding ground for bacteria." ⁠.⁠A person can attack bacteria all day long but until they address motility and stomach acid the problem will continue to come back over and over again.⁠.⁠Steps 1 and 2 require high...

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Even the best supplements can't offset an unhealthy lifestyle-probiotics, intermittent fasting, prebiotics, gut health

Even the best supplements can't offset an unhealthy lifestyle-probiotics, intermittent fasting, prebiotics, gut health

Even the best supplements alone will NOT offset a bad lifestyle: too much sugar, too little sleep, too⁠ much takeout, too much stress, turning to meds for solving everything, etc.⁠.⁠But life is all about balance too. Infections happen (and require antibiotics). Stress is on the rise (in most⁠ people). Holidays, vacations, and celebrations are going to take place (typically involving unhealthy food and drinks). ⁠.⁠The goal isn’t to avoid life or not live. The goal is to have the good in abundance and the bad occasionally, so the gut and body are healthy.⁠1️⃣ The right supplements matter. People say “I get...

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4 Steps to Gut Health-probiotics, nutrients, prebiotics, inflammation, digestive enzymes, stomach acid

4 Steps to Gut Health-probiotics, nutrients, prebiotics, inflammation, digestive enzymes, stomach acid

Much like a healthy garden, a healthy gut should include an abundant variety of keystone (beneficial) bacteria and short chain fatty acids. There are strong physical barriers that protect the gut and any pathogens (harmful bacteria and toxins) that do sneak in get removed daily.✅While the gut can be affected by many causes, proper nutrient intake, probiotics, and prebiotics are essential for a thriving gut.👏🏻Probiotics seed the gut with healthy bacteria while prebiotics feed our gut bacteria to encourage the selective growth of microbes.💊 While food sources are a great source for probiotics, they can be limiting and not providing...

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Transform the gut to transform the body-weight loss, gut health, prebiotic, probiotic, cravings, metabolism

Transform the gut to transform the body-weight loss, gut health, prebiotic, probiotic, cravings, metabolism

Literally speaking, a vast majority of people that engage a diet/exercise program and lose weight will regain the weight back within 5 years with usually several additional pounds as well. Bottom line, the probability of success with most exercise and diet programs is extremely low. ⁠.⁠When the only thing that stands between eating a favorite treat each day is willpower, weight loss is inevitably going to stop. A person has to change what one desires and be happily satisfied with smaller amounts of food to actually be successful with body composition change long-term.⁠⁠The secret is found in changing gut health,...

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Candida yeast overgrowth can be helped with natural supplements from Silver Fern Brand-gut health, probiotics, cleanse, upper GI relief

Candida yeast overgrowth can be helped with natural supplements from Silver Fern Brand-gut health, probiotics, cleanse, upper GI relief

Candida yeast overgrowth anyone? ⁠.⁠Candida yeast overgrowth has similar contributing factors to bacteria overgrowth: slow motility (dysmotility), low stomach acid, bacteria overgrowth, bacteria imbalances, and a weak immune system. ⁠.⁠There are three products we recommend for candida yeast overgrowth:⁠▪️UPPER GI RELIEF specifically addresses motility and stomach acid issues. ⁠▪️CLEANSE is the ideal way to address diarrhea. It also drives out imbalances and supports the immune system. Immunoglobulins/antibodies are the ideal way to support the immune system.⁠▪️ULTIMATE PROBIOTIC contains strains that help with motility, promote bacteria balance and abundance, and help build the immune system.⁠⁠Here's the breakdown on how to use...

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True probiotics and immunoglobulins actually detox the body-gut health, detoxification

True probiotics and immunoglobulins actually detox the body-gut health, detoxification

“Detoxing doesn’t exist!”⁠⁠Sure, it does. Real detoxing is when real toxins have been clinically shown to be removed from the⁠ digestive tract and body by a certain product or ingredient. True probiotics meet that requirement.⁠⁠Others think that the body doesn’t need any help: “The body naturally detoxifies itself! I eat a lot of organic fruits and vegetables, so I am totally fine.” The truth is healthy eaters get sick all the time. Healthy eaters get SIBO, IBS, and other digestive problems. The gut does need support.⁠⁠⁠Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate (SBI) contains three times more IgG and total⁠⁠ immunoglobulin compounds (IgA, IgM) than...

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Traditional diets INCREASE cravings & appetite - gut health, weight loss, gut bacteria

Traditional diets INCREASE cravings & appetite - gut health, weight loss, gut bacteria

Traditional diet programs increase cravings and increase appetite. The fact is that dieting increases out-of-control food cravings. When a person ignores hunger cues, the body increases the drive for food. It causes an obsession over food that leads to more hunger and a need for forbidden foods. ⁠.⁠The truth is that unhealthy foods feed bad bacteria that rewards the pleasure sensors. Bad bacteria are going to⁠push and push until they are given what they want (unhealthy foods).⁠What’s the secret? Change the bacteria composition in the gut. Good bacteria crave healthy foods and unhealthy bacteria crave unhealthy foods. If one is...

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Why is gut health important? - mental health, mood, metabolism, immune system, nutrient absorption, food intolerance, food allergy, SIBO, IBS, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, bloating

Why is gut health important? - mental health, mood, metabolism, immune system, nutrient absorption, food intolerance, food allergy, SIBO, IBS, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, bloating

“Why should I worry about gut health?”⁠Gut health provides freedom. Freedom to feel good. Freedom to live and eat normally without constant fear: fear of gaining weight, fear of getting sick, and fear of embarrassing digestive problems.⁠.⁠“Why should I set gut health as a goal?”⁠Gut health is at the center of health. Gut health determines the success of other health programs. Gut health affects mood, the metabolism, the immune system, nutrient absorption, etc. Why wouldn’t someone want a healthy gut?⁠

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Gut health for weight loss-probiotics, prebiotics, body composition changes

Gut health for weight loss-probiotics, prebiotics, body composition changes

Sometimes I see pictures in posts on social media with before and after images that make me think the⁠ person looks unhealthier in the after picture than they did in the before image.🤔⁠.⁠I also recently talked to a good friend that was doing a weight loss program and had dropped 30 pounds. I asked how it was going. He responded with, “It's miserable. It's like someone sucked the happiness out of my life.”⁠.⁠Instead of suggesting ways for people to lose weight we should focus on fat reduction and body⁠composition change through sustainable programs that aren’t extreme. Maybe we should stop suggesting...

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The secret to permanent weight loss? Gut health-prebiotics probiotics, metabolism, cravings, sugar addiction, appetite

The secret to permanent weight loss? Gut health-prebiotics probiotics, metabolism, cravings, sugar addiction, appetite

It sounds crazy that weight loss programs are a great way to gain more weight, but it is true for a number of reasons. ⁠.⁠Restrictive diets don’t work. They actually increase the problems associated with weight gain. Can’t we all agree that if 90% of diet programs result in weight regain and if 40% of people actually gain more weight back than what they lost maybe those programs don’t work for most people?⁠(Note: I don’t want to take away from the 5-10% of people that make those programs happen long-term. I’m suggesting that for the super majority of people those...

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Leaky gut can be reversed using the right probiotic strains and immunoglobulins-allergies, metabolism, toxins, gluten, stress

Leaky gut can be reversed using the right probiotic strains and immunoglobulins-allergies, metabolism, toxins, gluten, stress

Harvard Medical School explains leaky gut as the gut lining weakening, resulting in holes developing in the⁠barrier. Toxins and bacteria then leak into the body, triggering inflammation in the gut and throughout⁠the body causing a reaction of health problems. (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/putting-a-stop-⁠to-leaky-gut-2018111815289) ⁠.⁠UC San Diego Health recently said that the condition known as leaky gut “…may be more common, and more harmful, than previously thought.”⁠https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2020-02-10-human-gut-in-a-dish-model-helps-define-⁠leaky-gut-outline-treatment-pathway.aspx⁠.⁠According to our resident microbiologist gut expert, leaky gut is one of the primary contributing factors⁠to many health problems. When constant inflammation is occurring, the body’s health falls apart.⁠⁠There are clinical studies that show that the right combination...

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Constipation, heartburn, reflux, bloating & nausea-gut health

Constipation, heartburn, reflux, bloating & nausea-gut health

Without question, I get asked about one or more of these issues daily. ⁠.⁠The solution is always the same:⁠A 3-month high dose of Upper GI Relief followed by a regular dose.⁠.⁠How long does it take to work?⁠For severe constipation issues it takes about 4 to 8 weeks on average. For heartburn, acid reflux, and bloating & nausea the results start happening within a few days or a couple weeks at most.⁠Please stay on the program for the full 3 months though to make it stick.⁠.⁠What is a high dosing of Upper GI Relief?⁠1 to 2 capsules before meals for 3...

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Food intolerances and enjoy pain free-food freedom, digestive enzymes, dairy, gluten, FODMAP

Food intolerances and enjoy pain free-food freedom, digestive enzymes, dairy, gluten, FODMAP

I love my cheat meal each week. I often get both dinner and dessert. Donuts just so happen to be one of the desserts I like the most.⁠.⁠The Food Freedom Kit was created for those cheat meals when a person wants to eat what they want and don’t want to do so with fear. This is for Super Bowl parties, weekend dinners out with friends or family, and holiday events. This isn’t for every meal of the day. This is for people with severe stomach issues.⁠.⁠The Food Freedom Kit includes 4 products: ⁠◾Bloat & Gas Relief/FODMAP enzymes,⁠◾Digestive Enzymes,⁠◾Gluten Comfort (gluten...

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Regular constipation aids are not the solution to constipation-laxatives, motility

Regular constipation aids are not the solution to constipation-laxatives, motility

Isn’t it interesting that there are so many “solutions” to health problems that are only meant for “short-term” use, yet people then become reliant on them, which causes the issues to get worse? ⁠.⁠If laxatives are the short-term solution for constipation, and water, exercise, and fiber aren’t solving the⁠long-term problem then what? Maybe a special “poop” or “cleanse” product? Those are essentially different laxatives: short-term solutions hoping to lock customers in by contributing to the underlying problems.⁠.⁠Many healthy people that eat good foods loaded in healthy fiber that exercise daily and drink a lot of⁠water still get stuck with regular...

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Increasing antibodies (immunoglobulins) is the secret to detoxing the gut-c. diff, e. coli, LPS, cleanse

Increasing antibodies (immunoglobulins) is the secret to detoxing the gut-c. diff, e. coli, LPS, cleanse

A healthy gut has a very limited amount of pathogens/ toxins. A healthy gut has a lot of beneficial⁠ antibodies/immunoglobulins (i.e., IgG). ⁠.⁠Toxins include viruses, pathogenic bacteria, mold toxins, chemical toxins, fungi toxins, etc. They come in a variety of crazy names. The body fights these invaders with an army of immunoglobulins. ⁠.⁠When the body has an abundant army of immunoglobulins, toxins are bound, inactivated, and removed from the body. When the body does not have an abundant army of immunoglobulins toxins build up and cause damage. A high toxin load is very harmful for health.⁠.⁠A true “detox” will remove actual...

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True Probiotics & Die-off Effect-pathogens, probiotics, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, headaches

True Probiotics & Die-off Effect-pathogens, probiotics, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, headaches

Remember! A battle is going on in the gut. Good bacteria and bad bacteria are constantly fighting over control. Introducing the right probiotics into the gut, is essentially adding support to the good side. ⁠⁠.⁠⁠Here are a couple points many don’t know:⁠There are probiotic strains that generate up to 12 natural antibiotics that naturally seek out, fight and destroy bad bacteria. (Ref. 1) These strong probiotic strains will colonize and build up in population. These probiotics push out bad stuff (bacteria and yeast) and help good stuff thrive. (Ref. 2)⁠⁠.⁠⁠Sometimes the war going on causes digestive symptoms called “die-off effect.”...

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Breaking food addiction and changing appetite-diet, weight loss, probiotic, prebiotic, boost kit, gut heatlh, permanent weight loss

Breaking food addiction and changing appetite-diet, weight loss, probiotic, prebiotic, boost kit, gut heatlh, permanent weight loss

Good luck breaking a food addiction and changing appetite with willpower. That alone makes most diets⁠not work long-term. Think about our relationship with food. We celebrate holidays with food. We celebrate and socialize with friends over food. We go out with our significant other to eat food. Most of us really enjoy food, right? We also eat when we are anxious, nervous, excited, happy, or depressed.⁠Traditional weight loss programs replace or restrict something most of us love with something we don’t⁠love. Are we surprised that it doesn’t work? How many people get strong urges or cravings for unhealthy foods right...

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Achieving permanent weight loss-gut health, microbiome, bacteria, prebiotic, probiotic, lean muscle, belly fat

Achieving permanent weight loss-gut health, microbiome, bacteria, prebiotic, probiotic, lean muscle, belly fat

I’m a former yo-yo dieter. I absolutely hate diets. And there isn’t a magical weight loss pill. ⁠.⁠Here is what I needed for a program to work for me:⁠✔️ Simple program⁠✔️ No counting calories or macros or measuring. I don’t feel like I need to be doing math all day to lose weight.⁠✔️ I don’t like extremes (i.e., all protein, no sugars, or all vegetables/fruits)⁠✔️ On/off eating schedule (I’m eating healthy or I’m freely eating)⁠✔️ Reduced cravings⁠✔️ Reduced appetite⁠✔️ Increased metabolism⁠✔️Increased lean muscle⁠✔️ Reduced belly fat⁠.⁠Our Boost Kit program was designed by our microbiologist and dietitians with these points in...

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Metabolism, weight loss, & the microbiome-probiotics, prebiotics, SCFAs

Metabolism, weight loss, & the microbiome-probiotics, prebiotics, SCFAs

Data shows that 90% of people that start a weight loss program and lose weight will regain that weight back and usually add more weight within 5 years.⁠⁠When it comes to weight loss, extreme diets only seem to help short-term and in the end, hurt your microbiome.⁠⁠We believe that supporting your microbiome is the key to revving up your metabolism to change your body composition.⁠⁠Per a recent study, a probiotic with Bacillus strains changed the human metabolism by increasing bacterial diversity over a 3 week period.⁠⁠Such changes include:⁠⬆️ Propionate (Short-Chain Fatty Acid) levels⁠⬇️ Lactate levels⁠⬇️ Ammonium levels⁠⁠Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA's)...

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A natural (and effective) solution to heartburn & acid reflux-indigestion, acid blockers, bloating, constipation

A natural (and effective) solution to heartburn & acid reflux-indigestion, acid blockers, bloating, constipation

Solution: Upper GI Relief⁠Taking high doses of Artichoke Leaf Extract, Gutgard® Licorice Flavonoids, and Ginger Root Extract with⁠high levels of gingerols before each meal for 3 meals a day and another high dose of this combination at the first signs of heartburn or acid reflux for 3 months will knock these problems out.⁠.⁠After 3 months a person just needs to take a normal daily dose once a day (1 capsule/day). It works very well. If a person stops short, the problems will come back. ⁠.⁠This combination of ingredients in these doses⁠for this duration of time will also resolve the underlying...

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Signs of Poor Gut Health- cravings, probiotics, appetite, metabolism, prebiotics

Signs of Poor Gut Health- cravings, probiotics, appetite, metabolism, prebiotics

What does bad gut health mean in reality?⁠“Good luck eating smaller portions and not craving junk foods!”⁠.⁠An unhealthy gut is the perfect place for insulin resistance, fat storage, gas production, and inflammation.⁠What does this mean for practical purposes?⁠“Good luck losing that stubborn fat that just won’t go away!”⁠.⁠The majority of weight loss programs don’t work long-term because they aren’t addressing the driving force⁠behind weight gain.⁠.⁠Read the Boost Kit page (link in bio to our website) for more information. It addresses what works for long-term weight loss.⁠.⁠How do I know it works? I’ve been doing it myself. It is the only...

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What should a real detox product do? IBS, IBD, autoimmune issues, toxin removal

What should a real detox product do? IBS, IBD, autoimmune issues, toxin removal

Here are the requirements for a gut detox to be real:⁠.⁠1️⃣ The product/ingredient needs to have human clinical research to support the removal of real toxins (by name) from the gut AND doesn’t remove the good bacteria from the gut.⁠.⁠2️⃣ The product/ingredient needs to have a clear mechanism of action for how it removes toxins.⁠.⁠3️⃣ The product/ingredient should support the health of the gut microbiome, kidneys, and other parts of the body and not put added pressure on them.⁠.⁠4️⃣ The product/ingredient needs to have supportive clinical research to support its claims of helping conditions such as weight loss, IBS, IBD,...

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Physically fit, constipated, & bloated-protein, gut health, non laxative

Physically fit, constipated, & bloated-protein, gut health, non laxative

Many (most?) fit people struggle with constipation and bloating. The long-term solution is to improve⁠motility (not cause diarrhea). Btw- this also helps with heartburn and acid reflux, nausea, and digestive⁠discomfort.⁠.⁠How is this done?⁠◾Take 2 Upper GI Relief capsules at the beginning of meals or right before meals for 3 meals a day. ⁠◾Take another 2 capsules at any sign of heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, or discomfort. ⁠◾Do this for 3 months. ⁠.⁠At about week 6 the constipation and bloating should decrease dramatically. Please stay on the high dose for the full 3 months. After 3 months drop to 2 capsules...

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Weight loss & gut bacteria-what's the connection? diet, exercise, prebiotics, probiotics

Weight loss & gut bacteria-what's the connection? diet, exercise, prebiotics, probiotics

If the science (a lot of science) says that an unhealthy gut is directly linked to weight gain and if the science says that a healthy gut with the right gut bacteria is linked to being lean, then why don’t diet and exercise programs focus a lot more time on that?🤷🏼‍♀️⁠.⁠Traditional weight loss programs don’t work. They just don’t. Is a healthy diet and exercise important? For sure. It is 100% important. But the statistics for that plan⁠working alone for long-term weight/fat loss benefits are horrible. Meaning, there is a 5% chance of it⁠working. ⁠.⁠I’m not saying that there aren’t...

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True Probiotics Offer Natural Detoxification-detox, gut health

True Probiotics Offer Natural Detoxification-detox, gut health

A good probiotic shouldn’t only increase the abundance of other good probiotic bacteria, but they should decrease the bad stuff in the gut as well. ⁠.⁠A true probiotic naturally knows which bacteria are⁠good and which are bad. Think of taking true probiotics as introducing both gut bacteria management as well as powerful "bouncers" to knock out the bad stuff to keep all the good bacteria happy.⁠.⁠These probiotics should naturally push out bacteria like E. coli and LPS while increasing good bacteria like Bifidobacterium, Prevotella, Faecalibaterium prausnitzii, and Akkermansia muciniphila.⁠.⁠“Detoxing doesn’t exist!”⁠Sure, it does. Real detoxing is when real toxins have...

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Starting with gut health, the best place to start-probiotics, prebiotics, Cleanse, SIBO, IBS

Starting with gut health, the best place to start-probiotics, prebiotics, Cleanse, SIBO, IBS

Why don’t people see gut health success after years of trying? They start at the wrong place.⁠.⁠I absolutely love Ultimate Probiotic, Targeted Prebiotic, and Cleanse. They are amazing products. BUT….⁠A person with serious upper GI discomforts and constipation needs to start with resolving motility and⁠acid issues first. ⁠ It does take between 4 and 8 weeks to help with constipation because it is addressing the core⁠underlying cause of constipation.⁠ Enzymes only work if you take the right enzymes to address the problems at the right dosing before or⁠at the beginning of meals. Taking enzymes or Upper GI Relief after the...

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3 Causes of Bloating and how to help them-heartburn, reflux, nausea, constipation

3 Causes of Bloating and how to help them-heartburn, reflux, nausea, constipation

LOW DIGESTION & LOW STOMACH ACID: Causes bloating in at least 70% of people we work with. How does one know if this is the issue?Does the bloating happen shortly after a meal? Constipation, bowel irregularity, reflux,heartburn, nausea, cramping, abdominal pain, or a combination of these are a sign it is option #1.SOLUTION: Take a high dose of Upper GI Relief for 3 months, which is:1 to 2 Upper GI Relief capsules at the beginning of a meal for 3 meals a day and another 1 or 2 capsulesat the beginning of heartburn, reflux, nauseas, etc.It is a lot of capsules,...

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How to help gut health decline and see less bloating, heartburn, reflux, constipation, nausea

How to help gut health decline and see less bloating, heartburn, reflux, constipation, nausea

Acid blockers (PPIs/H2 blockers) are literally only meant for short-term use. Since they don’t resolve the underlying issues how can someone stop them⁠without severe consequences?⁠.⁠Eating healthy and being aware of what is going into the body is very important. But we work with healthy, cautious eaters all the time (daily) that have digestive problems. I hate to say it (because we are huge believers in eating healthy) but eating super healthy alone isn’t helping people overcome their stomach issues. The pain and discomfort continue. ⁠.⁠While food avoidance helps it does not address the problem.⁠.⁠What fixes the problem?⁠If a person is...

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Appetite & cravings are affected by gut health-Probiotics, Prebiotics, Digestion

Appetite & cravings are affected by gut health-Probiotics, Prebiotics, Digestion

Having an appetite is more than being hungry!⁠⁠Hormones that are produced in the gut have a major influence on our brain that stimulates the feeling of hunger and fullness.⁠⁠These hormones have major actions involved in our appetite, including:⁠⁠- Delaying gastric emptying⁠- Gastric motility⁠- Central nervous system effect⁠- Glucose-dependent insulin release⁠- Producing glucose⁠- Gall bladder contraction⁠- Pancreatic enzyme production⁠- Balancing blood sugar⁠- Growth hormone release⁠⁠For these actions to properly occur, we need a healthy gut. A healthy gut starts with a healthy bacteria balance and a strong gut lining.⁠⁠Need gut health support?⁠⁠Begin by eliminating any gut disruptors and toxins and begin...

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Food Freedom Kit-Struggling with food intolerances but want to enjoy your favorite meals? This kit is for you!

Food Freedom Kit-Struggling with food intolerances but want to enjoy your favorite meals? This kit is for you!

Food avoidance in its entirety is miserable. Choosing to eat healthy and carefully is a wonderful thing…most of the time. Being forced to avoid food due to severe digestive consequences during special events is not so wonderful..We wanted to provide a solution to that.Here’s how to fight back:1. Take really good enzymes to break down every possible food type assuming that everything can possibly be the cause of issues. Some guess that they only have a gluten or dairy issue. Guessing results in missed coverage. Experience says that people with one intolerance typically have others..2. One can’t overdose on enzymes...

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Our favorite gut health supplments-Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, GI Relief, Cleanse, Prebiotic

Our favorite gut health supplments-Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, GI Relief, Cleanse, Prebiotic

What are some of our favorite supplements?⁠👩‍🦰 Me (Tiff): Cleanse, Targeted Prebiotic, Whole Food Vitamin⁠🧔Phil: Targeted Prebiotic, Ultimate Probiotic, GI Relief⁠👱‍♀️Kim: Ultimate Probiotic, Digestive Enzymes, GI Relief⁠👱‍♀️Charlie: Digestive Enzymes, Probiotic, GI Relief, K2D3⁠👨Russ: GI Relief, Ultimate Probiotic, Quiet Serenity⁠.⁠What's the best gut health supplement? That all depends on what's going on with the body and what's needed. ⁠.⁠What makes a difference between all the different brands out there? Quality. Research. Knowledge. Dosing. Methods.⁠.⁠Gut health has such a huge impact on the rest of the body and can affect things like digestion, immunity, mental health, metabolism, even brain fog. Do we...

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Helping with bloating, gas, heartburn, constipation, SIBO, IBS, diarrhea, and more

Helping with bloating, gas, heartburn, constipation, SIBO, IBS, diarrhea, and more

Here at @silverfernbrand we know that gut issues are individualized and can drastically affect the quality of life.⁠.⁠From bloating, gas, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea to more severe issues like IBS, IBD, and SIBO we're here to help with high quality ingredients, proper dosing, and methods to get the gut calmed down and back on track. Our wide range of products can help improve and optimize the gut to help the body function at its best.⁠.⁠Tested for 100% survivability and strain verification, our products are guaranteed to get to where they can work their magic.⁠.⁠Our goal is to help everyone achieve their best...

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5 steps to Cleaning Up and Calming Down Gut Issues-SIBO, IBS, IBD, leaky gut, food intolerances, gas, bloating, constipation

5 steps to Cleaning Up and Calming Down Gut Issues-SIBO, IBS, IBD, leaky gut, food intolerances, gas, bloating, constipation

Messed up gut? Hurting all the time?⁠.⁠What if I suggested that probiotics may not be the best place to start? Of course, the underlying issue⁠ and original contributor behind all other problems with different names (SIBO, IBS, IBD, autoimmune⁠ diseases, leaky gut, food intolerances, gas, bloating, constipation, obesity, etc.) is bacteria imbalances.⁠.⁠Naturally one might think that the best way to deal with bacteria imbalances is to throw tens of billions of CFUs of good bacteria of different types of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium into the gut.⁠.⁠But what happens if the gut is moving really slowly (slow motility) and that the issue behind the...

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Supplements: Real or Garbage? How to get the best supplements for your money-probiotics, digestive enzymes, cleanse

Supplements: Real or Garbage? How to get the best supplements for your money-probiotics, digestive enzymes, cleanse

The supplement world...it's vast. So many options. Some really great, some not worth a dime.⁠.⁠Let me explain how to NOT buy crappy supplements by using antioxidant supplements as an example. (We do not sell an antioxidant product right now).⁠.⁠How do you know if the product is 💩 or if something else is going on?⁠.⁠FACT: A person needs to take the right ingredients to address the problems. The right source of antioxidants can do a lot. But it isn’t a good choice for improving gut health. I frequently get asked about why one of our products didn’t do this or that...

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Gut Health Improvement will take time-Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Cleanse

Gut Health Improvement will take time-Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Cleanse

Of course, the gut can be helped in a reasonable timeline. It all depends on what issues you have. But it's good to be aware that it can also take time. The condition of the gut is different for everyone.⁠.⁠Will any product fix a severe gut issue in 30 days? Not any that I am aware of. Even medications that address symptoms usually take 4 weeks or more to really see the benefits. Addressing the underlying issue that’s broken can take time.⁠.⁠We suggest certain lifestyle changes to help with the products. The secret to using supplements to help⁠with the gut:⁠1....

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Symptoms of an unhealthy gut-constipation, diarrhea, weight gain, fatigue, bloating/gas, acne, etc.

Symptoms of an unhealthy gut-constipation, diarrhea, weight gain, fatigue, bloating/gas, acne, etc.

Signs pointing to a gut imbalance can be tricky.The symptoms listed above are associated with a gut imbalance.Gut health goes much further than just the gut. The immunity response stems from the gut, a leaky gut can cause nutrition imbalances thus having hormones to compensate, detoxification is associated with the gut, and the feel good hormones that affect our mood are also in relation to gut health.To get to the root cause of these gut symptoms, work with a healthcare professional and don’t forget to mention our products at @silverfernbrand

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A detox that actually removes toxins-H. pylori, C. diff., E. coli, LPS

A detox that actually removes toxins-H. pylori, C. diff., E. coli, LPS

A detox should remove toxins. And a detox should be able to remove toxins and have supportive clinical evidence that it does in fact remove actual toxins. A detox should also be able to show what specific toxins it is removing. ⁠.⁠ Let’s start with an antibody/immunoglobulin concentrate (ImmunoLin®). The mechanism of action is⁠ binding of toxins (and allowing the body to excrete the toxins like it normally does) and strengthening⁠ the gut barrier. Antibodies (IgG) “…bind like a lock-and-key to the body’s foreign invaders, whether they⁠are viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites. They are the ‘search’ battalion of the immune system’s search-⁠and-destroy...

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Bloating & Gas? 4 tips to optimize digestion - Digestive Enzymes, probiotics

Bloating & Gas? 4 tips to optimize digestion - Digestive Enzymes, probiotics

Ever wondered how to optimize digestion?There are many different causes for bloating/gas. It’s important to get to the underlying causes, however, these tips can support foundational principles everyone with a digestive system needs to know.These foundational tips are enough for some bodies. Others need a more personalized therapeutic approach such as using digestive enzymes, probiotics, or a gut health tune up kit.4 tips to optimize digestion include:💧 Adequate hydration (1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water/day). Good hydration can help support bowel movements by adding bulk and increase digestive secretions.🧠 Eat with all of your senses. Digestion starts...

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Myths & Truths About Prebiotics - FODMAP, SIBO & IBS

Myths & Truths About Prebiotics - FODMAP, SIBO & IBS

I hear from people all the time that ALL prebiotics are bad for people that are on the low FODMAP diet or that have SIBO and IBS type problems. While this is true of many prebiotics, it is not true of all prebiotics. ⁠


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Ways the Keto Diet may be decimating the microbiome

Ways the Keto Diet may be decimating the microbiome

High-fat, low-carb diets are nothing new, but recently they’ve reclaimed their fame under a fresh, new name, The Ketogenic Diet. The vogue eating style rose to the spotlight after preliminary research suggested it could help shed body fat, clear up acne, elevate brain function and improve polycystic ovarian syndrome, among other things. The basis behind these health benefits is rooted in the idea that by starving the body of carbs and sugar, you can force your metabolism into ketosis. This metabolic state forces the body to burn fat for energy, stabilizes blood glucose and may reduce inflammation. While there is...

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The Macro Diet

The Macro Diet

Athletes and bodybuilders have been encouraging some form of the Macro Diet for decades. This eating style focuses on the macronutrient profile of foods, rather than calorie content. Most followers of the diet aim for higher protein, lower carb meals to help them reach their ideal weight and body composition goals. Think of it this way: from a traditional calorie-counting perspective, a serving of cookies is equivalent to a serving of turkey – they are both about 150-170 calories. But from a macronutrient perspective, cookies are basically pure sugar and saturated fat, which can lead to more fat accumulation. Turkey,...

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6 Health Benefits of Environmental Probiotics You Probably Don’t Know About

6 Health Benefits of Environmental Probiotics You Probably Don’t Know About

So why do we need to take probiotics now versus before? You probably grew up without taking probiotics and survived just fine, right? The difference is these days everything you eat and touch has likely been sanitized and treated to ensure you don’t consume bad bacteria that can make you sick. The problem is that this also gets rid of the good environmental bacteria responsible for a healthy and balanced gut. A soil-based or environmental probiotic supplement is designed to restore these missing bacteria to your gut. The problem is most probiotic supplements can’t survive the harsh acidic environment of...

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FoodByMaria Loves Silver Fern™ Brand

FoodByMaria Loves Silver Fern™ Brand

We love FoodByMaria! She is just a delight and has a wonderful blog and an amazing Instagram feed. And while we love her, we are so glad that the feeling is mutual and she loves and uses Silver Fern™ Brand products. Check out this post she wrote detailing how she maximizes her gut health with Silver Fern™! https://www.foodbymaria.com/2019/03/10/time-to-check-your-gut-health/  

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Bacillus Strain Probiotics Fight Off Dangerous Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Bacillus Strain Probiotics Fight Off Dangerous Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

The evidence continues to mount that a healthy mix of gut flora, including plenty of the probiotics from the Bacillus family provides powerfull immune support. A recent study showed that the dangerous antibotic-resistant pathogen

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The Best Way to Lose Weight ...and Keep It Off!

The Best Way to Lose Weight ...and Keep It Off!

If weight loss is on your mind then you probably want results -- and fast. It's no wonder! We are bombarded every single day with unrealistic body images and messages that tell us that we aren’t good enough if we aren’t the "perfect" size or shape. The culture of our social conversations and the ideals in the media are the same: "thin is best." This pressure to be thin can leave us yearning to drop pounds quickly, but this may not be what's best for our minds or our bodies. Truthfully, studies continue to show that lose-weight-quick diets don't work...

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Are You Missing the Secret Key to Weight Loss?

Are You Missing the Secret Key to Weight Loss?

Many of us have been conditioned over the years to contemplate two keys to successful weight loss: diet and exercise. What if another component was equally important? The latest research has revealed another aspect of weight loss most of us have never considered: gut health. If you have ever tried to change your lifestyle to include healthier foods and more exercise, yet found disappointing results on the scale, there may be something that you are missing: healthy bacteria in your gut. There is mounting evidence to show that the gut bacteria in healthy weight people are different than the bacteria...

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Gut Health, Mood, Anxiety & Depression

Gut Health, Mood, Anxiety & Depression

DEPRESSED? It Could Be Your Gut Health... Suffering from depression or anxiety? Or both? It might be more than a psychological issue - or a chemical imbalance - causing your symptoms, but a gastronomical one as well. Studies show that your brain is actually connected to your gut - and not just at a physical level, but an emotional level as well. Part of this new research includes a clear link between imbalances in the gut and mental illness like depression - and fortunately, a possible solution. In a study released on March 10, researchers at the University of Virginia were...

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10 Reason Why You May Need a Probiotic

10 Reason Why You May Need a Probiotic

Because of our modern diet, the right daily probiotic supplement might be one of the most important supplements you can take. Here are 10 reasons why a good probiotic is more important than ever. 1. Antibiotic use – unfortunately antibiotics indiscriminately kill both the good and the bad bacteria in your gut. They have no way of differentiating between the two. So, if you or your children are ever prescribed antibiotics by your doctor, make it a priority to build up your gut flora as soon as you are done with the prescription (remember that there is no benefit to...

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Gut Health 101

Gut Health 101

Silver Fern's Chief Nutritionist Explains the Basics Before we get started, there are a few terms we should probably define. In talking about gut health, you'll often hear words like microflora, gut flora, microbes, microbiome, microorganisms, etc. These are basically tiny little bacteria that live in (and on) your body. In fact, we have 10 times MORE bacteria in our bodies than cells! This might sound a little creepy, but most of these are actually helpful bacteria. In fact, when talking about gut health, the idea is to have a really good balance of healthy bacteria in your body. The...

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